Chapter 23 Boys Will Fall

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Thursday after meeting Kool for lunch, Blue headed back to the hotel. With another four hours to kill before they could meet up again, he decided to spend the afternoon on the beach. Over the past week he spent every lunch hour with Kool and had then gone off galivanting like a typical tourist choosing places Kool recommended. Today he didn't feel like doing much extra and decided the beach suited his mood more.

Sitting in the taxi, Blue wrinkled his nose as he recalled that particular conversation just a few minute ago...

"Any particular place you want to visit today?" Kulap had asked.

Blue, with his elbows on the cream colored table cloth of the upper-class restaurant, leaned forward, his chin resting in the V of his joined hands, pursed his lips as if in contemplation before replying, "Nowhere. I'm pretty drained! Just the beach today, I think."

Kool had sat back comfortably in his chair, his lean form dressed once again in his habitual black except for a bright splash of summery color, the silk fabric of a pink tie that looked particularly good on him.

He had noticed every day this week that Kool wasn't sticking to his customary dress code of all black. The previous days he had worn different conservative colored suits with one colorful accessory, his tie. Each day a new tie shined a new light on Kool. Even wearing mostly black today, the slash of pink across his chest was enough to make his eyes shine brighter, a naughty twinkle making them almost impossible for Blue to look away. Like right now.

As soon as Blue had said he was beat a mischievous spark had flared to life in Kool's almond shaped eyes and Blue found himself both dreading and looking forward to whatever was about to come out of his mouth.

"Drained," Kool had drawled out with heavy emphasis on the first word. "Hmm!"

Blue had chuckled back.

"Mm hmm," Blue nodded with a light smile. "Sapped!" he added, the corner of his lips tilting up, transforming his smile into more of a smirk.

"Ahh," Kulap replied back casually with his own nod. "Sapped," he repeated back slowly.

Blue's smiled had widened then. "I can keep going all day if you want," he had taunted.

Kulap had leaned forward on his elbow then, quickly glancing around at the other patrons who sat rather closely, before whispering sotto voice to Blue, "Oh I know you can. I believe it's your ability to keep going and going that has left you drained and sapped!"

Sitting back in the taxi now, Blue remembered the teasing expression on Kulap's face, the dancing wickedness he didn't even try to hide. Kool, Blue had learned, had a thing for sexual puns, innuendos, and double entendres. It was a bad habit he had. One Blue loved.

Just as they had in the restaurant, Kool's words alone could make him semi erect within seconds. Kool had that affect on him. His beauty sucked Blue in, made his pulse speed up, his gut tighten, his dick harden pretty much without fail. His mouth though, and not just what he did with it and that was saying something, but the words that could come flying out of it at any given moment could make him hard in seconds flat. Everyday it was as if Kool was letting his walls down, becoming bolder, feistier, raunchier! And Blue couldn't help it. He loved it!

Seeing Kool so comfortable with him, letting his guard down, teasing and playful, it was Kool of four years ago. Almost. The inclusion of sex definitely changed the dynamic. Made it more intense and sexier and it took their bond to a whole new level.

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