Chapter 12 Boys Will Reflect

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With a warm smile on his face, Blue gave one last lazy flick of his wrist in goodbye before making his way at a leisurely pace into the hotel. Stepping into the elevator and seeing he was alone, he sunk back tiredly against the wall watching the lights flicker as the lift rose floor by floor. He was very aware that the small smile still played on his lips. He felt good.

His euphoria-like bubble lasted through his shower and up until he flopped back onto his bed. Reaching up he flicked the light off and settled his head on the large pillow. He was ready to crash. Lifting his head up and adjusting his pillow to a more comfortable position, Blue settled his head back down his body tired. He was ready to drift away to blessed sleep.

Or that had been his plan. His mind apparently had other ideas.

Seconds turned to minutes. Blue shifted positions and then shifted again. He resolutely closed his eyes and blanked his mind. Or he tried to. The sneaky bastards kept slipping through. The multi-colored images goaded him, taunting him as if they had tiny little hands waving frantically in the air, 'Look at me!' 'Remember me!' 'Replay me!' And all of them centered around one reoccurring theme; Kool.

Blue kicked at the covers in annoyance. He didn't want to think. Thinking would lead to... yeah. He just didn't want to think.

He shut his eyes in determination. It had been a long day, one of the longest and though it had ended well it had been pretty emotionally trying so sleep shouldn't be a problem, he told himself. He just needed to relax and...

Ten minutes later, Blue opened his eyes in frustration and stared at the ceiling in total defeat. His mind had made it clear it wasn't going to shut down anytime soon. He groaned aloud. If he wanted to get any sleep tonight, he needed to man up and stop hiding.

One by one, Blue let the memories of this evening wash over him in waves. He even thought for a second that he actually heard the literal pop of his euphoric-bubble as it burst when the one memory, he had been trying to avoid suddenly made its appearance. Playing in HD and surround sound the vivid recollection had Blue flushing hotly in the cool darkness of his hotel room. With a groan, he slapped his open palm over his eyes as if to block out the image but knowing it was impossible. It was most likely, burnt into his memory for all time!

He still was unsure what compulsion had enticed him to pull Kool into him like that. Yeah, he had been having fun despite himself. The music was good. The atmosphere was good. Better yet, Kool seemed to have loosened up! One moment they were dancing. In the next, Kool's body was careening into his. Kool's back flush to his torso. Blue had never been more aware of their differences in size. Nor how... appealing it was. It had triggered something within him.

Reaching his hands out and steadying Kool had been instinctive. No surprise there. The hand that rested on Kool's hip had enjoyed the sensation of warmth and jutting bone. Lightly squeezing had been his palms natural reflex and he admitted a little bit of an unexpected one. Drawing him in had been sheer impulse that still surprised him! Holding him as they continued to dance had been... been...

Blue stopped short. He lowered his open palm away from his eyes and placed it over his chest. He could feel his heart skipping every other beat. His body was flushed. Other parts of him were... tingly. He stared up at the ceiling, cataloging each feeling, before finally accepting the excited sensations for what they were. And for who they were felt for.

This entire time... for over four years Blue had thought only about Kool's feelings. Kool's emotions. Blue had never once thought anything about his own. Had he? He squinted into the darkness trying to think. Trying to be honest. Blue stopped his thoughts in their tracks, mentally shying away from that word. Honest. His conscious mocked him.

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