Chapter 16 Boys Will Falter

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Kulap heaved a loud sigh of exhaustion as he parked the car in front of his home. He was still doubting himself for having sent Blue the text before driving off. Had that been a mistake?

He made to slam his hand down on the steering wheel but caught himself before his palm connected with leather. Impetuous violent-like behavior was not considered acceptable, he reminded himself. He ground his teeth and glanced around like a child caught stealing a cookie. The thought irritated Kulap. He was a grown man. He was tired both mentally and physically. Why did he have to be so concerned about something so... simply human?

Resisting the urge to let loose a huge groaning yawn, something else his mother frowned upon, Kulap climbed out of the SUV. He headed up the stone steps with quiet dignity towards the front doors that stood open, waiting for him. His arrival had obviously been noticed. Did this mean his mother was waiting for him?

He wouldn't be surprised if she were. He had a feeling she had plenty of things she wanted to say to him. If he didn't want to be verbally barraged every night from now until Blue left, he needed to be more careful, picking and choosing his battles. Maybe skipping dinner hadn't been his best idea. Kulap of a week ago would have never even considered doing such a thing.

He suddenly huffed out a laugh, the Kulap of a week ago would never have considered picking and choosing any battle with his mother. He was nothing but a yes man to his family. 'No,' 'I can't,' or 'I won't,' were words he never uttered. The thought made him sad and oddly discontent.

Spending time with Blue, he thought as he walked through the front doors, was affecting him in more ways than just the obvious. Kulap had been affected physically and emotionally since the moment Blue stepped back into his life. His mind instantly pictured their two locked forms, hungry mouths and teasing tongues, before quickly shying away. His heart thumped and his pulses raced. He couldn't deal with that right now! Giving his head a shake, he fought to regain control.

Blue's affect on Kulap was more than emotional and physical though, it was deeper. Being with Blue literally altered Kulap's personality in some strange way. With Blue life seemed easier, simple. He didn't have to worry about what he said or how he acted or even how he gestured. He was just, Kool.

It was amazing. It was freeing. It was as far from his family life, business life, life-life as it could get! But it was also making him lax. He was becoming, too comfortable, like he had been in the states. He couldn't afford to be that way here. They didn't like him that way.

He briefly thought back to when he had returned home from staying with Blue and how appalled his mother had been at his behavior, his supposed poor manners. He recalled how he had been forced to attend numerous etiquette and decorum classes until pretty much all personal traits of Kool had been removed and it its place was who you saw now, the stone-faced Kulap Somboon. His mother had been ecstatic with the results. Kulap had been... empty and cold.

He was amazed how in only a few days the mannerisms and behaviors of then were coming back to him now, as if this was truly who he was, who he was supposed to be. For the first time in years he actually felt comfortable in his own skin. Warm, alive, and comfortable. And maybe even... dare he say... happy.

Kulap crossed the front hall and walked towards the stairs. He had every intension of going straight up to his rooms. He wanted to avoid his mother at all costs. It was late and so much had happened he didn't know if it would be safe. He felt weak right now. That... kis...that incident, he finally decided to think of it as, had happened tonight and he hadn't even had time to process it. He hadn't dared until he was safely alone and free to feel. The last thing he needed was a run in with his mother. He felt like a ticking time bomb as it was. He worried what explosive words would reign down on her if she detonated him with one of her famous, never-ending tirades, covering every possible disappointing thing he had done since her last diatribe. He really didn't think he could cope with that right now.

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