Chapter 20 Boys Will Surrender Part II ***18+***

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Blue let loose a ragged chuckling groan, tilting his head downward so he could nuzzle softly at Kool's nose, stopping only so he could place a soft kiss on his lips and then another. He enjoyed the lax malleability of the cushiony softness. It reflected the lack of strength in Kool's body. He still hadn't recovered from his pleasure. Blue's blood surged hot at the thought! He rubbed his lower body in small rhythmic movements along Kool's thigh. He so wanted... but he could wait a moment. He wanted Kool very much woke and present for what would come next.

His mind wandered back, replaying Kool's last words as he continued playing with Kool's mouth. Comforting soothing kisses followed by light playful teasing kisses.

"Being creative isn't going to be a problem," he finally replied, his voice coming out huskier than he could ever remember hearing it sound. He pulled back a few inches and looked down at Kool, letting his eyes roam slowly over the beauty of his face. "When it comes to fucking you, I have about half a dozen ready solutions," he smiled cockily at the blushing man below him. Blue leaned down and gave a pecking kiss to the tip of Kool's nose. "That," he said with a gruff sigh as he scooted down an inch and began lapping and nibbling at Kool's collar bone, "is the easy part. I'm more worried about control," he admitted, his mouth still working at the sensitive skin, causing the body beneath his to squirm.

But his words momentarily stopped the squirming and Blue felt Kool's subtle pull back. He lifted his head and looked down at him. "What?" he asked confused, his mind not correlating his words with Kool's slight withdrawal.

"Control?" he asked, sounding confused and a touch defensive.

Blue pulled back and propped himself on his elbow, looking down, his brows knitted in slight confusion. "I don't want to hurt you," he elaborated, leaning down to kiss him gently.

When Kool started to open his mouth mid-kiss, not to reciprocate but to reply, Blue lifted his free hand and lay his index finger gently over his lips. "I'm just saying, this is new for me and maybe you too. And!" he added with inflection. "I'm hot as hell if you haven't noticed," he interjected, giving small shallow thrusts of his hips against Kool's body to emphasize his point if it hadn't already been made. "So, yeah," he admitted with typical Blue bluntness, "Sue me if I'm a little worried about hurting you!"

Kool suddenly ducked his face away from him, turning it away from Blue, trying to hide.

Blue chuckled, his hand reached out, cupping his cheek and pulling it back round to face him. "You idiot!" he sighed, leaning in to ravish his mouth. Distraction was evidently what Kool needed. Blue was happy to oblige.

Long minutes later, Kool's face flushed for reasons other than embarrassment, Blue pulled back. He lifted his hand up and ran it across Kool's collarbone, dipped down to tease at his nipple before flittering back up across his neck and back down again and across, repeating the process over and over again, never taking the same path twice.

He glanced towards Kool, watching him watch Blue's finger as it feathered lightly over his skin, his breathing soft but uneven.

"So," Blue said softly. "I'd prefer to get up and get a cloth to wipe you down, make you more comfortable, but..." he paused dramatically with a teasing grin. "In the name of creativity, I won't!"

Kool lifted his eyebrow in response but he didn't say a word. Instead his honey warm eyes just watched him lazily, seemingly happy to leave what would happen next totally up to Blue. Though, Blue noted the quirked brow did seem to be taunting him just a bit, daring Blue to do his worst!

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