Chapter 4 Boys Will No Longer Be Boys

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Kulap Somboon strolled quietly through the front door of his home. Actually, it was the Somboon family primary residence. A large palatial and completely sterile domicile that really didn't deserve to be identified as a home per say; more like quarters. He sighed tiredly as he strolled with no hurry towards his suite of rooms, his handmade black Gucci loafers barely making a sound on the French marble flooring.

He gave a silent thanks as he reached his rooms without encountering anyone. He wasn't in the mood to plaster the passive and ever agreeable mask on tonight. Getting through the day had been hard enough.

It was amazing he thought, pulling at the knot of his black silk tie, loosening it enough from around his neck to snatch it up over his head and throwing it onto the bed. He took a few more strides over to the luxurious brown leather sofa seat and sank tiredly down into it, unbuttoning the top three buttons of his black silk dress shirt. Just amazing he continued to marvel, how a short two-word text could rattle his world.

I'm coming.

That was all it had said.

Kool slumped back in his chair, impervious to the buttery soft brown leather that conformed to his body in the ultimate of comfort. Completely alone and free for the first time today he was finally allowed to think about what those two words meant. And when. And then of course, there was the very huge; who. Not that Kulap didn't know who. He would never ever, could never ever forget Blue Cavanaugh.

Kulap ran a hand through his jet black almost military style hair. He smiled ruefully as he thought of his blonde shaggy locks from so many years ago. He had loved the look. He had always wanted to dye his hair blonde. His trip to America had finally given him the opportunity. As soon as he had arrived in England for an intentionally planned six-hour layover he had immediately made his way to a popular salon where he had scheduled an appointment and had it professionally done. He had also done some quick shopping for stylish clothes he had always wanted to wear but was never allowed to due to his strict family upbringing. A few silver and black leather accessories later and he had completely changed pretty much into the boy he had always wanted to be. And for one year he had been, Kool. For that one year only. Returning to Bangkok meant returning to reality. Even before the plane landed his hair was once again black, his formal starched clothes were on, and his silver and black leather jewelry were tucked into a hidden pouch in his luggage. Kulap Somboon was home.

Kulap leaned his head back against the sofa and stared up at the ceiling, not seeing the pristine white plaster but his younger self. That had been the best year of his life. It was the only year he had been able to be his true self. He had had independence and freedom and he had fallen in love for the first and only time in his life. Blue.

Closing his eye, Kulap pictured the tall, thickly muscled athlete. From the very beginning Kulap had found Blue exceptionally gorgeous. The stereotypical all-American boy with the anything but all-American eyes. Kulap's heart had thump thumped a deafening beat at the first sight of Blue. It hadn't mattered that the most unwelcoming look was carved into the striking face staring down at him or that his behavior was less than friendly or that he had been as unhelpful as woolen gloves in Bangkok in May. Kulap's heart had had a mind of its own and it had latched onto his American host without hesitation.

That was not to say the first few weeks in American didn't have their moments of utter frustration for Kulap. Blue was pretty good at expressing his dick-side. For the most part, Kulap found himself secretly amused at Blue's less than subtle attempts to alienate Kulap. But he couldn't deny that a couple of times Blue's actions had found their mark. Not one to anger easily, having lived a life of suppression and repression and oppression, Kulap had long learned to not let things get under his skin. But the giant-sized hottie that had instantly and effortlessly snagged his attention, not too mention his ability to breath properly, had an odd ability to occasionally penetrate the thin but titanium-like armor Kulap mentally protected himself with.

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