Chapter 33 Boys Will Be Trapped

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Kulap leaned over the prone form of a very drowsy, very satiated Blue and gave him one long last reluctant kiss before whispering goodbye and walking out of his hotel room. It was later than he should have left but as far as he was concerned it was way to soon. They hadn't left Blue's room tonight. They had almost forgone dinner completely but in typical Blue fashion, his stomach had growled signaling his other hunger and Kulap had instantly declared a cease and desist until they had gotten some food into him.

Kulap grinned at the memory. He loved doting on Blue, taking care of him. He had instantly called down for room service and ordered several items off the appetizers menu and then they had sat naked, crossed legged on the bed, eating family style. Kulap had fed him nibbling bits and Blue had returned the favor with tantalizing tastes. In the end, the dessert of strawberries and cream had been eaten in a more creative fashion that required the sharing of a shower thereafter and a change of sheets.

In the end, they both declared it had been the best meal of their lives.

Unlocking the SUV and starting the engine Kulap climbed up into his seat and fastened his seatbelt. As he was about to start the drive home his phone buzzed with a new text message. Kulap assumed it would be Blue with one of his 'punny' texts but it wasn't Blue at all. The text was from Mia asking if Kulap could come and see her now. Kulap replied immediately that he would, then pulled the vehicle out into the semi-heavy traffic.

He chewed at his lower lip as he worried about the message. Mia, as girly as she was, was not an overreactor. She never sent SOS texts like this and that was exactly what the text was. The all capitalized NOW and the three exclamation points at the end. She was clearly under duress and that bothered him. Considering their already helpless situation, what more had happened that would have her in such a state?

Tired from the onslaught of a Blue that is in love, Kulap yearned to go home to his bed, not wanting at all to confront yet another mental health threatening problem, but he pressed his foot down on the accelerator heading straight for Mia's. He had been selfish enough recently. She and he were in this mess together. No matter how much he may want to avoid the current status of their lives and just go home and climb under the covers to relive every minute of this afternoon with the man who had told him he loved him, he knew he could never do that.

Kulap pulled up in front of her house and walked quickly towards the front door. She opened it before he could ring the bell.

She looked haggard as fuck!

That was Kulap's very first thought when he saw her, knowing he had Blue to thank for his new tendencies to use the more colorful vernacular that he favored. But the fact of the matter was she did look bad, really bad. Sometimes those particular words just said more than any others no matter how inappropriate someone may deem them.

Mia thrusting herself into his arms drew his thoughts back to the immediate issue at hand. She was trembling and pitiful. Kulap pulled back away from her and pushed his hands through her hair at the sides of her face, holding her in place so that he could get a better look at her.

Her face was pale and her lips were trembling. She had dark circles under eyes. Her hair was a tangled mess and her eyes, her eyes held no light. They were lifeless and dull and looking at her Kulap felt a suffocating throbbing in his chest.

What were they doing to themselves?

Releasing her, Kulap pulled her into the warmth of his arms and held her for long quiet moments. Seeming to revive a bit from his comfort, Mia finally pulled away, her hand latching onto his wrist and pulling him along behind her as he led him to her bedroom.

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