Chapter 3 Boys Will Be Friends

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Blue stifled a yawn with his hand. He glanced around the quiet darkened interior of the plane. Everyone was peacefully sleeping except him. His body was tired but his brain was wired. He wanted to blame it on being cold and cramped but he knew he couldn't. No matter how physically uncomfortable he was it was nothing compared to how mentally tricked out he was. The memories bombarding him weren't helping his cause but he couldn't seem to stop their flow. Having been suppressed for so long they now surged freely of their own volition immersing him.

Still sitting in the hard, wooden chair, staring at Kool, marveling at the scope of his generosity, it took Blue a few seconds to realize the detective was asking him a question. He glanced over at the thick set man and then quickly over to his parents. They looked shellshocked but were obviously trying to appear unaffected by Kool's disclosure. Blue coughed uncomfortably and zinged his eyes back towards the detective. At that moment he honestly preferred facing the man who had been badgering him all night over facing his parents' looks of awkward confusion. He began to believe this day would never end.

Forcing himself to focus Blue realized he was being told his lawyer had arrived and informed that in a few minutes the official questioning would begin. Blue looked to his parents surprised. Though his parents did not look happy about the continued interrogation, they quickly assured him it was only a formality and explained that despite Kool's statement the police still needed to do a full investigation into any serious allegations. Blue sighed deeply but nodded his head in understanding. He was bone tired and mentally spent but he knew it was in his best interest to cooperate. Besides, he told himself, glancing over at Kool who was being escorted back out of the room, he owed Kool a big one. Huge! Blue wouldn't repay Kool by doing anything that would let his lie get discovered.

A few minutes later a tall skinny man stepped into the room and announced he was Blue's lawyer. Introductions were made and after a few minutes of one-on-one time with his clients the attorney directed the police to begin. Blue felt tons better just watching the lawyer. He was direct and matter of fact and practically took charge of everyone in the room. His confidence enveloped Blue. For the first time since Mallory had started screaming at the party, Blue felt like he could finally breathe again.

For over an hour Blue was asked to repeat in his words what had happened that night. Mindful of the truth that would set him free as well as the untruth that Kool had told, Blue combined them both. It wasn't hard to do. Though he was not a fan of lying he appreciated what Kool had done. And if Kool had not told the lie, then Mallory would not have started to unravel as she apparently was doing in another room inside the police station.

Blue described his interactions with Mallory. He intentionally did not look at his mother as he described Mallory hugging him from behind and their verbal exchange. Rehashing how a girl literally smothered him with her huge boobs and taunted him about being a virgin was not on any teenage boy's bucket list and it definitely was not on his.

The next part was a little trickier as this is where the truth ended and the lie began. Blue kept it as simple as possible. He first shortened the actual length of time he and Mallory were together. Blue knew it had been about twenty to thirty minutes but he insisted with the police that it was no more than ten. He then explained he left her and went back into the house from the side door and made his way to the room where he and Kool hooked up. As they had planned to meet in the room at a designated time, he explained to the detective, he could be fairly sure of the time.

The detective nodded his head as he compared what Blue was telling him to what he had scribbled in his notebook when talking with Kool. Blue gave a silent prayer of thanks as he silently watched the detective's head nod up and down as if finding corroborating information. The stories and times were apparently matching up and appeasing the detective. Blue wasn't sure how exactly but he'd take the win.

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