Chapter 7 Boys Will Be Reunited

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Standing in the conservatively, yet elegantly styled lobby of the building that housed the primary office of the Somboon conglomerate, Blue glanced around nervously. His palms were sweaty and it had nothing to do with the extreme heat outside. He was anxious. Had pretty much been since the plane landed two days ago.

His first day in Bangkok had been spent acclimating himself and doing a little digging into Kool. First on his agenda had been to actually locate him. Since Blue had not received a response to the text, he had sent to Kool three weeks ago or any response from him for that matter in the past four years, Blue had needed to figure out where Kool was and where the most convenient place to stage a run in with him would be. Considering his lack of response over the years and the little Blue remembered about his family he didn't think it would be exactly appropriate to show up on his front doorstep. So, he had done a little research online and had easily located the head office of Kool's family business, taking note of its location. Seeing as it was only Saturday and Blue couldn't meet him until the business opened back up on Monday, Blue had a day to kill.

Blue spent his second day researching information his grandmother had passed onto him before he left. She had given him some basic information about Bangkok in general. Where to go. Where not to go. She had also given him a list of family she thought he might like to meet while he was here. Though meeting Kool was Blue's first priority, since he planned to stay in Bangkok for a month, he figured he could make some time to meet a few people, for his grandmother's sake if no other reason. So, he made a list of possible places to visit during his stay if he was given the chance. He refused to admit to himself whether he was actually hoping for that time or if he was hoping he would be otherwise occupied. Considering this entire trip was planned over one tiny blue rose given to him four years ago, what his true expectations were, were unknown, even to himself.

Once done planning his itinerary and his contingency itinerary, Blue spent the rest of Sunday shaking off jet lag and laying out on the beach relaxing. And mentally preparing himself to meet, Kool.

Unfortunately, jetlag was no joke and he had ended up sleeping in far, far later this morning than he had intended. He had originally planned to arrive first thing in the morning. But that plan had been shot to hell as he had barely been able to open his eyes at seven this morning let alone get up to shower, and hustle across what was essentially Bangkok's rush hour. With a heavy sigh he had rolled back over, dug his head into the pillow, and gone back to sleep.

Five hours later and severely behind schedule here he now stood in khaki slacks and a white linen button up shirt, looking around, trying to figure out his next move, feeling half alive. He was deciding if he should just go back to the hotel and try this all over again tomorrow, when the elevator doors binged open and a tinkling feminine laugh floated out into the lobby. Blue instinctively turned his head toward the sound. His eyes immediately settled on a very pretty, very voluptuous woman dressed in eye catching pink, standing in the lift, her arm tucked casually and naturally into the arm of the man she was with.

Blue's eyes drifted from the girl to the guy she was standing with, giving him a cursory once over. They were a striking couple, was his first thought. She soft and obviously feminine with a sparkle in her eye and a bounce in her step. He was her complete opposite. Where she was soft, he was lean; where she sparkled, he veiled; where she bounced, he remained military upright. For a male he was of modest height but funny enough that seemed to be the one thing they had in common. Blue was about to turn away from them when some unknown impulse made him turn back around and take a second closer look.

Onyx colored eyes met warm honey. One... two... three seconds later and the onyx eyes flared to life in surprised recognition.


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