Chapter 5 Boys Will Change

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The news of Blue's imminent arrival was both the best news and the worst news Kulap had ever received. It was his heart that was racing and giving thanks who thought this was the greatest thing to happen to him since he had left the states four years ago while his brain... well his brain thought it was most troubling. The battle inside of him between the two was indescribable. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He had felt like this all day; hot then cold, sweating then shaking, fire then ice. Deep, deep down he knew how he really felt, what he really wanted. Hands down and without a doubt he wanted to see Blue. He had wanted to see him every single day of the last four years. But what Kulap wanted didn't matter. It never had. What mattered was his family and by extension of that, what his family expected of him. It all came down to expectations. Since his birth these expectations had been repeatedly drilled into him and he had never made any attempt to avoid them or rebel against his fate with one exception. His year in America. He had given himself that one year to be himself, to indulge in his own expectations, to embrace his own life choices. He had had one glorious year until reality returned and black was again black and white was again white and Kool was again Kulap.

Kulap stood abruptly to his feet and walked into the bathroom. He stopped before the mirror and stood staring at himself. He grinned without humor at his reflection. Would Blue even recognize him? He dressed, looked, and acted so differently now. Four years had made a huge difference in the high school senior that Blue had known. His hair and how he dressed were completely different. How he acted, too. Kulap's eyes once warm and friendly and always laughing were now stony and serious. His tone once soft was now sharp and his no-nonsense, matter-of-fact attitude kept most people at a distance.

Business and business and more business directed his life. He successfully juggled million-dollar business deals on a daily basis. Had done so even throughout college. It was expected. He commanded hundreds of employees, engineered rapid company growth, and was soon to take full control of the family conglomerate and he did so with very little outside input. His abilities were second to none. When it came to business, Kulap was in control. It was the only control he had. His family controlled every other aspect of his life. Always had and Kulap knew they always would. It was, after all, expected.

Staring at the mirror but no longer seeing his reflection Kool created an image in his mind of Blue. How to describe Kulap's reaction to this mental picture? Awe struck!

That was how Kulap felt the first time, second time, and every time he stood near Blue. His height and build alone were unbelievably sexy to Kulap. Being on the slight side and having met few people of that stature, the sheer size of Blue was overwhelming but in an extremely stimulating way. The memory still had the power to take Kulap's breath away. Blue had physically been Kulap's opposite in almost every way. Their height, their build, their hair, their features had all differed. Yet when they had stood next to each other, to Kulap, they had looked perfect together.

Their personalities had differed as much as their physical appearance. Kulap had been soft spoken and laid back and polite. Many of his classmates had often teased him for being 'mature beyond his years.' Blue on the other hand was competitive, occasionally hotheaded, and a bit impulsive. Apparently still was going by the text he had received.

Kulap sighed and turned away from the bathroom mirror. He made his way back into the bedroom to change out of his clothes. His mind flashed back to that night so long ago and he gave a small self-depreciating chuckle. All things considered he had to admit he had had his own moment of impulsivity. Lying to the police that night about he and Blue being lovers was one insane example. Giving Blue the rose had been another.

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