Chapter 37 Boys Will Be Together

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Kool's steps were light and his heart was lighter as he stepped out of the elevator. He strode around the corner, his excitement growing as he realized his Blue was only a hallway away. He rounded the corner with a quickened pace, feeling as if he were almost flying.

He hadn't known it would feel like this; freedom.

The invisible shackles known to him all his life as family and responsibility had come off. The self-restraints he had imposed on himself had finally been removed. No longer did he feel compelled to keep secrets that should never have been kept hidden to begin with. No longer did he feel obliged to conform to other's ideas of right or wrong.

Life was for living.

That was something he had learned today. Mia had taught him that with her bravery. She had stepped off the ledge and lived.

Taking chances, making choices, stepping outside your comfort zone, that is what life is about. Loving, laughing, sharing, that is life, too. Even pain, disappointment, loss, they were all a part of that one special life you have been given. Not wasting that life was the secret!

Loyalty, honor, family, duty, they were all wonderful things, too. Though for Kool, all these years they had been more like an albatross around his neck, winding tighter and tighter as expectations had grown. Kool had only just realized today though that they didn't have to come at his expense. Independence, freedom, choices, they were all there waiting for him he had just had to break through those damn expectations and find his own path.

It had been far easier to do than he would have thought. And Blue stood on the other side waiting for him. Kool's steps quickened even more. His eyes looked towards Blue's hotel door and that was when he saw him standing there framed in the open doorway staring at him with his mouth agape, astonishment on his face.

Kool's grin widened even more if that were possible.

This new found freedom was everything. As he moved forward, he marveled that he had ever settled for anything less. Even more so he wondered how he thought he would ever simply say goodbye to Blue tomorrow as if he could forget him that easily. How deluded and repressed he had been!

The thought made Kool's smile even brighter, knowing that the man he had just locked gazes with who was starting to smile back at him with his own glowing face was totally responsible for the new and improved Kool walking towards him. Blue had come searching for him. He had found him wound tight in his ivory tower. Blue had let down his hair and in turn showed Kool how to let down his own. As to the rest of the story, it hadn't been written yet, but Kool was pretty sure there hadn't been a fairy tale written that would come close theirs.

Kool was almost at Blue, had actually been considering running the last few steps to leap into his arms when Blue's voice suddenly boomed at him, the force behind his words, freezing Kool in his tracks.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Forward momentum abandoned, a frown replacing the bright smile, Kool stared at Blue for a long second, before realization struck and with it all the happy, he had been feeling was restored. With a husky laugh Kool launched himself into his man's arms.

Blue caught off guard barely managed to catch him and they stumbled backward into the room, Kool laughing and Blue woofing at the impact against his chest!

Blue pushed him back away from him and held Kool at arm's length to look at him long and hard.

Kool had realized in the hallway that Blue was scared and probably had been all afternoon since Kool hadn't had a chance to text him. A scared Blue was always a cranky Blue. Kool needed to give him a chance to catch up and see that everything was okay. More than okay, everything was roses, blue roses.

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