Chapter 24 Boys Will Change

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Kulap strode into his suite late Friday afternoon. He was running a bit behind because he had wanted to get as much done as possible at work since he had no intention of stepping a foot back inside the office this weekend. Barring tonight's family dinner, this weekend was spoken for. It belonged solely and completely to Blue.

Kulap had made plans. Surprise plans. He had only told Blue to pack a small bag with as little as possible and he would pick him up as soon as he could following dinner. Blue had badgered Kulap to disclose more, but Kulap had refused. It was too much fun this way, watching Blue act like an overgrown child begging and pleading to be told his surprise! Kulap paused midstride and cocked his head with a wicked grin. Well... not all of Blue's methods of persuasion to get him to talk had been childlike.

Lusty smile still in place Kulap continued across the carpet heading for the bathroom and a quick shower. Stripping down to nothing, Kulap reached and turned on the multi shower jets. Within seconds the water was hot enough and he stepped in to wash off the busy day. Though he loved a hot shower and usually doddled, tonight was an exception. He had things to do. Places to go. People to see. One person, he qualified. Blue.

Unfortunately, he had to see his entire family first before he could get to him but Kulap could live with that. Had done so for years without having the reward of Blue at the end of the night. Not tonight, though. Blue would be at the end of his rainbow. Kulap grinned at his unintended pun

Turning off the water and grabbing a bath sheet, Kulap quickly toweled off, thinking about this weekend and his surprise for Blue. He had a surprise 'mini vacay' within Blue's already existent vacation planned all out. Though Kulap's family owned luxurious beach front properties throughout the country, Kulap had booked he and Blue into a private cabana over the ocean. They would be able to snorkel, sun, and indulge until their heart's content without having to stay cooped up inside the hotel. In secret.

His time with Blue was as close to perfection as they were likely to get. But there were moments of time that happened unexpectedly when either he or Blue would naturally reach out to touch the other, or kiss the other, or just share an intimate smile with the other, and they realized they couldn't because they were in public and the wrong person could see. Those moments when Kulap saw the pain or frustration in Blue's eyes before he could shield it from Kulap cut at him.

This time together was stolen. There was obviously nothing perfect about their situation except them, themselves. So Kulap would do whatever he could to give Blue as to close the ideal of what they could be as he could. And this weekend he was going to give Blue himself completely, uncensored and uninhibited by family dictates or supposed society norms.

Kulap looked in his closet and drew out a pair of white trousers along with a blue and white striped button up shirt. He had ordered some clothes this week, branching out from his darker shades, wanting his outside to match how good and bright he felt inside.

He quickly dressed and slipped on his platinum Rolex. He also opened a drawer that was seldom used and retrieved a small box that contained his favorite pieces of jewelry he no longer could wear here or at work. This trip though was another story. He slipped the small box into his tote as well as retrieved two pair of shorts, tees, and some toiletries. He had not been teasing Blue when he said pack light. The beach fronts completely private rooms would not require many necessities especially of the clothed sort.

Kulap grinned again. He grabbed a large bottle of sunscreen. There were parts of he and Blue that never saw the sun. They would have to be careful about that. His grin widened as he imagined rubbing the lotion on each other and all the fun that could lead to. And that lead him right back to his original thoughts of why they did not need to pack much!

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