Chapter 17 Boys Will Question

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"Hey!" Blue responded, his eyes skimming over Kool in rapid inspection, lingering a few seconds longer than was probably necessary on his face. Though he had received Kool's text last night stating no regrets, Blue knew how things could change in the cold light of day. He had been nervous as he waited for his arrival. Even more so as he opened the door and stepped up into the seat. Now inspection over, he felt he could finally relax. Kool's eyes were reassuring, his body language convincing, and his smile... it was signature, Kool.

Blue lifted his hand back over his shoulder and pulled at the seatbelt, pulling it across his body and snapping it in place. He looked up at Kool, his eyes settling on his lips, before he straightened in his seat and looked forward. 'Cut it out,' he silently scolded himself. Maintaining the current atmosphere was priority number one. They could tackle other... things later.


Blue heard Kulap say from his right. He turned and looked at him with a frown. "Blue," he corrected in confusion, tapping his fingers against his chest in emphasis, feeling like he was totally missing something.

Kool laughed out right at Blue's response. His chuckles filling the car with husky warmth. "No," he said around his laughter. "No," he tried again, still having difficulty controlling his mirth. "Pink," he repeated, finally controlling himself enough to explain. "Your shirt," he elaborated, pointing his finger at Blue's polo. "You are wearing pink. You never used to wear it. As I recall you said it was for girls."

Blue rolled his eyes feeling stupid for the miscommunication. He had been so focused on after-kiss-awkwardness, he hadn't been expecting normal every day conversation. Especially of the kind reminding him how immature he could be.

"Well some guy," he said looking pointedly at Kool, "Once told me that pink looked best on guys so how could it only be for girls. Of course," Blue went on to say, "The same guy only ever wore black!" His eyes widened and his hand reached out to finger the collar of Kool's red shirt. "Speaking of which, you're not wearing black today!" he said in sudden astonishment. He sat back away from Kool and wrapped his arms around himself making fake shivering movements. "That scares me a little, I think."

Blue watched Kulap glance down at himself, his lips twisting. "Was trying something different today," he mumbled, fingering the butterscotch cloth covering his thigh.

Blue stopped the shivering motions and cocked his head, watching him. Blue had the feeling there was a more significant meaning behind his choice in clothes that Kool didn't want to discuss. As he contemplated this, he also took the time to give Kool a once over. He nodded his head in approval. "These colors suit you," he complimented.

Blue watched the flush rise to Kool's cheeks and he felt oddly pleased at the response.

"So?" he finally prompted when Kool remained silent.

Kool's head whipped toward him. "What?"

Blue opened his arms wide, or as wide as he could in the front seat of the SUV, "Pink my color?" he asked, his hands flicking towards himself in a 'check me out' gesture. "Looks better on me than any girl, right?" he teased, his neck and shoulders starting to make subtle sexy motions to nonexistent music inviting Kool's appreciation as well as his laughter.

He got the laughter, at least. Whether Kool thought pink was indeed Blue's color Kool never said. He didn't say anything. He simply turned away, still laughing and started driving.

Blue started chuckling, too. He felt lighter, more at ease. They were back on steady ground. No post-kiss discomfort in sight.

Content, Blue settled back in his seat. "How far is," he paused. "What is the name of the place again?"

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