Chapter 36 Boys Will Be Worried

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Blue woke up groggy and disoriented. He blinked several times trying to see in the complete darkness that filled the room. Why was it so dark? What time was it? He was knuckling the sleep from his eyes when with a whoosh everything came rushing back to him. He must have fallen asleep he realized as he hastily searched for his phone.

Finding it under his hip, he quickly picked it up and brought it around to look at the screen. He was thankful that the battery wasn't completely dead since he had forgotten to charge it last night. His thumb swiftly swiped in hope, only to find that there was still no text from Kool.

What the fuck was going on?

Blue sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. He rubbed at his back. Being so tense and falling asleep in such an odd position his body was screaming at him. He sighed and rubbed at the back of his neck.

He plopped his phone down beside him and stretched, all the while staring at his cell willing it to make a sound, he just wanted a call or a text, even an email. He didn't care. He just needed to hear a word, something from Kool to know he was okay.

Hearing his grandmother's wispy voice in his ear chiding him, 'a watched pot never boils,' he looked away from the shiny black object but his eyes didn't stray far and in the next instant he was once again staring at it waiting desperately to hear from Kool.

That was it! He was tired of waiting. He stood to his feet with determination and headed to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes and dropping them as he may.

He started the water and climbed in before it was even hot. He scrubbed his body with hurried movements and shampooed his hair with speed. He only half rinsed before he was stepping back out, toweling himself off haphazardly in his haste to get ready so he could go search for Kool himself.

Before he got dressed, Blue looked at his phone yet again. Still no messages or missed call. He sighed and leaned his head down his hands on his hips, his teeth biting at his lower lip as worry ate at him and fear gnawed, making his stomach feel jittery and sick.

Blue knew when he found Kool, he would first kiss the life out of him and then kill him for putting him through this.

"But I have to find him first," he commented out loud into the silent room. His voice, even to him sounded strange. He sounded scared.

With determination, Blue reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts and a grey t-shirt. He didn't give a fuck what he wore or what he looked like right now. His mind was set on one thing and one thing only. Locating one Kulap Somboon. He really couldn't see past that moment. It was his priority. It was his everything.

Slipping on his sneakers barefoot, not even taking the time to put on socks, Blue headed towards the hotel door. With his hand on the knob he suddenly heard the sound he had been waiting hours for. He had gotten a text.

Lifting his phone up, he saw immediately that it was from Kool.

His head sagged on his neck as deep breaths of relief escaped. Tears pricked at his eyes. Relief poured over him and his body reacted to the waves of reaction, leaving him incapacitated for long moments as his racing heart fought to regain control.

Standing on legs that had gone a bit wobbly Blue read the message.

[Coming up.]

The message revived Blue with a boost of energy. Standing on firmer ground he whipped the door open having every intention of meeting him at the elevator doors.

Kool had so much to answer to and a lot of explaining to do. More importantly Blue needed to see him and touch him. He needed to fucking hug him so bad right now. His body trembled in its need to lay hands on Kool. He desperately needed to confirm he was here and he was safe.

Stepping across the threshold with every intent to follow through with his thoughts he stopped suddenly when the sound of the elevator ding met his ears. Blue looked up, standing right outside his hotel door and watched with open mouth shock as the man he loved strode around the corner and walked confidently towards him.

It was Kool and at the same time it wasn't. He was different somehow.

Blue watched him as he got closer, step by step.

Every step revealed the same and yet it displayed the new. Blue's heart thump thumped as Kool moved toward him with determination and the biggest, sweetest smile on his face that reached his eyes and illuminated his entire being.

Blue was struck in awe at the sight.

He was absolutely dazzling!

As Kool got closer and the relief of his being okay passed, Blue started noticing other things and as he did so a slow grin started across his face until a smile, closely matching the one Kool wore, decorated his handsome face with delight.

Not only was Kool walking towards him now with light assertive steps with a face so animated and alive that he took Blue's breath away, he was also adorned as the Kool he had initially met all those years ago.

Except for Kool's hair, Blue wouldn't be faulted for thinking they had stepped back in time.

He was dressed from head to toe in black. He wore a black v neck t-shirt that snuggly skimmed the contours of his lightly muscled torso and a pair of black military style cargo pants that rode low on his slim hips that were tucked into a pair of black steel toed combat boots, just like he had the last day they had seen each other.

He also sported a small silver hoop in his ear, a black leather necklace with a silver pendant, silver and black leather bangles on his wrists, and a few rings on his fingers and thumb.

He looked happy and gloriously sexy!

At that moment the new brightly shining light within Blue flickered as the reminder that today was the last day, they had together reared its ugly nasty head.

How was he going to survive this?

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