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once chan left it was just the two of them, hyunjin immediately lifting himself and throwing his body face down on the bed. ''are you-''

''no!'' hyunjin exclaimed. ''no i'm not okiedokie o-fucking-kay, jisung! i just had my heart broken once again, i haven't been able to get off in days and you annoy the shit out of because you're such a perfect fucking sub!''

jisung's eyes widened a bit, frozen where he had just been planning to sit with him and rub his back.

''m sorry,'' he apologised. ''i-i can leave so you can get off, if you want?''

''that's not the point,'' the older groaned, feeling like he should be tearing his hair out. ''i don't wanna be alone right now.''

''do you-'' jisung hesitated, scared about getting rejected. ''would you mind if i cuddled you instead?''

hyunjin wanted to say no, so used to pushing people away as soon as they made any form of approach.

but he felt so small as he laid in the ridiculously tiny bed, just nodding and hearing a little more shuffling before a weight pressed against his back.

the older hadn't been expecting that at all, tensing up for a second before relaxing as jisung wrapped his arm around his waist surprisingly easy.

''it's okay,'' jisung shushed softly, pushing his forehead against his back. ''you can cry, if you want to. i won't say anything about it.''

and he did, feeling so guilty for treating chan that way when he was always there for him.

''just because i'm letting you do this doesn't mean i like you,'' hyunjin spat, no actual aggression in his voice. ''got it?''

sighing, jisung nodded against his back. ''i know, pup,'' he said softly. ''you don't have to.''

hyunjin ended up falling asleep on accident, still having a pile of assignments to do but being lulled right in unconsciousness with jisung's warmth.

when he woke up somewhere in the middle of the night jisung was back in his own bed, hyunjin actually managing to get a small smile on his face.

trudging out of the room, he got himself a glass of water in the bathroom, chugging it down and then filling it up once more, taking the glass with him.

''can i have some water?'' jisung asked softly, woken up from his activity. ''please?''

hyunjin looked at his glass and then to jisung's tiny silhouette sitting up in the bed, hair messed up visibly even in the dark.

''no,'' he denied, taking a big gulp from the water even if he wasn't really thirsty anymore. ''get your own.''

jisung whined, throwing himself back on the bed. ''you're mean, it was only a question.''

''i said that still wouldn't like you,'' hyunjin huffed, putting his glass on the nightstand and crawling back into the pre warmed sheets. ''i don't like you.''

the younger made some sort of an angry noise, making a point of turning over to face the wall instead.

deciding to annoy him further, hyunjin tried to move his duvet around as long as possible before his arms got too tired to, constantly moving to create noise.

because that was how he protected himself, being mean to them until they would leave him alone.

it made the breaking less bad; if he took the time to grow a bond with him and then they ended up dating and they found out what he was like, then that hurt.

and he spoke from experience; happening one of his last years of high school.

he had been going well with his boyfriend hongjoong, so sweet to each other.

until they had tried to have sex and hyunjin had accidentally slipped just at the older calling him a good boy, always holding back.

hongjoong had humiliated him, filming how he obeyed every single command and filming how hyunjin (unsafely) let himself be slapped.

(this boy is my bias in ateez he was just the first person i could think of)

the other had played with his nipples to pull whines out of him that he only hoped were pretty and called him a slut for wanting it so bad.

it was his first scene, so excited for it that he didn't realise that it wasn't how it was supposed to be.

so he let himself be used like that, filmed and blindfolded only to wait and eventually taking it off maybe an hour later when he finally drew the conclusion that he had been left.

and he had called chan, knowing he was trustworthy and crying until he got there.

the video got posted, everybody in the school pointing at him whenever he walked by.


did i make hyunjin have my exact personality??? mayhaps

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