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it had been a week and hyunjin simply couldn't take it anymore, waking up with his front pressed to the mattress and his member painfully hard.

he didn't even think as he fucked against his mattress, letting out satisfied groans as it felt so good against his sensitive cock.

even after a few seconds, he could already tell he wouldn't last long, shoving his face into his pillow as he kept fucking the surface under him.

when he felt his orgasm nearing after an embarrassingly short amount of time he went faster, bed creaking under him as pretty tears welled up in his eyes.

and then he came, hips jerking as he made a mess of the inside of his pants with lewd moans and his muscles relaxing.

finally coming to his senses, he panicked and raised his gaze, relieved to see that jisung had left already as he reached out for a tissue and cleaned himself up with a scowl.

he looked at the nightstand and saw a glass of water and a gas station type of sandwich sitting on it, a little note next to it.

'i finished two other essays for you, it's fine if you don't want to talk about last night' it read, hyunjin subconsciously smiling and dropping it when he caught himself.

but he couldn't really remember the night before, memory stopping somewhere around the moment he joined him at the desk and fading more the harder he tried to remember.

looking at the clock, he realised he still had time.

the boy hoisted himself out of bed and grabbed the can of fanta on the desk, not really caring who it belonged to as he lifted it and felt it go down his throat.

he felt his stomach sink a bit with guilt that he didn't take the drink jisung had put out for him and lowered the can, shuffling back to sit on the bed and taking the glass of water instead, drinking from it in small sips.

while he stared out of the window he ate the sandwich, happy with it and feeling like he slept surprisingly well.

later that day when he walked to his lecture he still had a small smile on his face, the can of fanta he had stolen from the desk held loosely in his hand.

during the lecture he felt a strange need to pay attention; as if he wanted to make someone proud by doing well.

he did his best to take as many useful notes as possible and he tried the hardest he could to keep his concentration on the teacher.

once it was done he felt surprisingly giddy, having to keep himself from skipping as he stared down at his phone.

when his phone rang he picked up without much thought. ''hello!''

''you're cheerful,'' chan laughed. ''i've got a suggestion for you, wanna hear it?''

''sure,'' hyunjin agreed, watching as his feet stepped on the pavement, satisfied by the way he was moving. ''tell me.''

''i have a friend who'd really like to dom you,'' the older said, hyunjin stilling in his steps and his smile dropping. ''he's taller than you, name's rowoon, thinks you're adorable.''

hyunjin hesitated for a little, knowing chan wouldn't set him up with somebody who was bad for him but still sad. ''tell me more?''

''a soft dom,'' chan elaborated. ''likes to praise you, not very kinky or experienced but he knows what he's doing.''

the male nodded, proceeding to walk and humming softly. ''alright.''

''cool!'' the older exclaimed. ''if you come to my place prepared for him tonight, he can give you a good time.''

with a hum, hyunjin hung up the phone, almost feeling nauseous and holding on to the fence next to him for a moment.

he felt wrong, like he just got rented out. like he would be expected to get fucked and then leave.

so he stumbled the rest of the way home, feeling sick and relief flooding him once he finally entered their small dorm.

jisung was there, noticing how pale his face was and how he looked lost, raising his eyebrows.

''i-i'll be out tonight.'' he informed, basically falling onto his bed and staring right ahead.

''are you okay?'' jisung asked, moving over to crouch down in front of him and put a hand on his knee. ''talk to me.''

''can we just to my assignments together again?'' hyunjin requested, blinking away tears. ''i wanna be with you for a little bit.''

''okay, pup,'' the younger agreed, taking a hold on his hands so he could guide them to the desk. ''let's do good, hm?''


next chapter might be sad but i'm saying this before writing it

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