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jisung was stressed. airports stressed him out; they were crowded and he feared that he would somehow miss his flight.

hyunjin noticed, shyly reaching out for his hand and only hooking their pinkies, the younger looking up so he could give him a soft smile.

''it's okay,'' he said, promised, with that same smile and a cock of his head. ''everything's planned out, okay? i'll be with you the entire time.''

the younger swallowed thickly, nodding and offering a wobbly smile as he tensed his pinky a bit.

''what if we lose the bags?'' jisung worried, eyebrows twitching slightly. ''or we take the wrong flight?''

''baby,'' hyunjin whispered in an extremely hushed voice, not needing people to hear them when jisung's stress was already high. ''let's go to the bathroom for a second.''

jisung nodded, letting himself be dragged along until hyunjin locked the two of them into the biggest cubicle.

he sighed in relief when hyunjin put his hands on his face, when he closed their distance for a sweet kiss.

the younger responded to it, going back for another one, and another, and then he was stealing short kisses or lingering pecks.

with a soft sigh, hyunjin wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him close; their chests pressing together.

and then jisung needed more, hands cupping his face and breathing in sharply, keeping their lips together and almost forcing hyunjin's mouth open.

hyunjin just let him, let their tongues slide against it other and let jisung use his mouth so erratically.

once he could feel himself start to twitch in his pants and his mind started feeling kind of fuzzy he pushed him off .

jisung accepted it, if hyunjin pushed him then that meant he needed to stop it or it would be too much.

the older wrapped him in a warm hug, putting his chin on top of jisung's head and not minding being that tall for once.

''everything will be okay, baby,'' he shushed, hands roaming his back in a soothing action. ''we're gonna have so much fun.''


it did turn out fine, jisung fallen asleep against hyunjin's shoulder and their fingers intertwined secretly, covered by a blanket where they laid on the younger's lap.

hyunjin looked around, seeing how most people were sleeping or just minding their business and deciding to take the risk as he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his temple.

the flight landed smoothly and he gently shook jisung awake, the boy looking a bit confused and puckering his lips for a kiss before reminding himself where they were.

''arrived?'' jisung wondered, sitting up and stretching cutely before clearing his throat. ''have we arrived?''

''we have,'' hyunjin smiled, ruffling the younger's hair and cooing at his annoyed noises. ''come on then, hm?''

jisung nodded, getting out of the chair and rubbing sleep from his eyes, taking whatever he had brought to the plane with him.

once they were outside jisung kept clinging on to him, waiting for their luggage and so so sleepy from the long trip.

it felt odd when jisung grabbed hyunjin's hand tightly and he didn't have to feel the itch in his stomach.

hyunjin told him he was going to grab their bags and jisung let go of him for a moment, the older doing as promised before returning to his side.

''let's see if we can find who we need to stay with, yeah? sleepy sleepy baby.''

they did find them, greeting each other with the best english they had and just laughing off any awkwardness.

no matter how sleepy jisung was being, he still checked to see if the person hyunjin would be staying with seemed nice enough to trust.

and both of the hosts were very nice, apparently best friends and not minding that their english vocabulary lacked in some aspects, giving them time to understand that they would be very close to each other.

so,, maybe jisung told them they were boyfriends,,, even if they weren't exactly that.

he didn't feel like explaining their relationship but didn't want to confuse them with their clinginess later.

''i don't care, as long as you don't fuck in my bed,'' jisung's host laughed, the others laughing along with him. ''we can take you to one of our gay bars, we don't really mind them but i guess they will be fun for you!''

jisung nodded with a soft smile, translating some keywords to hyunjin when he looked a bit lost.

''they didn't give us a schedule, so we can choose what we want to do,'' hyunjin's host said, his voice a lot softer. ''no pressure, though.''


whoop they stole my phone

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