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when jisung woke up, he was confused. there was a face pressing into his skin, but the bump of his stomach looked odd.

he put his hands over it, petting hyunjin's head through the material.

''you gotta wake up now, hyunnie.'' he said, lifting his sweater to make the older whine and reach out for it.

in the end he grabbed his hand instead of the shirt, not removing the touch but just clasping on to it.

''don't wanna,'' hyunjin complained, pouting and refusing to open his eyes. ''if you hide me nobody will know.''

jisung laughed, patting his cheek to made hyunjin flinch slightly. ''you gotta get up.''

''no,'' the older denied again, growling but sounding nowhere near intimidating. ''never.''

''puppy,'' jisung said, tone harsh. ''don't be such a brat, get ready for school.''

hyunjin frowned, shaking his head and moving to bite into the skin of his stomach.

in one quick move, jisung moved his hand to his hair, tangling his fingers in it and yanking on the strands to make him gasp out.

''quit disobeying me,'' he cursed, hyunjin letting his head be lifted off his stomach and his mouth dropping open. ''get out of the bed right now, i make your decisions for you. you don't wanna know what happens if you keep being a brat now.''

the older scrambled for it, resisting the desire to go back to the warmth as he went to the closet and pulled out some clothes, making quick work of putting them on.

''go brush your teeth,'' jisung ordered when he turned to him. ''i'll wait here.''

hyunjin nodded, rushing out of the room to go follow the demand and coming back a few minutes later with a subtle pout gracing his lips.

''pack your bag,'' he said, watching him follow. ''make sure you take everything you need.''

when he finished he stood in front of jisung, waiting for something that he didn't know what.

''good boy,'' jisung praised with a soft smile, taking his bag and opening it. ''let me see, hm?''

the older waited patiently as he checked it, jisung smiling at him as he zipped it closed and gave it back to him.

''lean down for your kiss.'' he opted, hyunjin crouching and cocking his head to the side.

jisung took his chin in a soft hold and brought their lips together briefly. ''be a good boy in your lectures and i'll have some fun with you tonight.''

hyunjin nodded, feeling lightheaded for a second and giggling at his silliness.

''you gotta give me another kiss, baby,'' jisung pouted. ''i don't know how else i'll survive.''

the older giggled again, leaning close again to give him three pecks before jisung pressed back in a lingering kiss.

moving his hands, jisung reached around until he could reach hyunjin's ass, smacking his cheeks before cupping them to make him squeal.

''are you gonna do your best for your master?'' he asked, hyunjin nodding rapidly. ''go, then, don't wanna be late.''

hyunjin nodded again, slinging his bag over his shoulders and being stopped by a hold on his wrist.

jisung pulled him down until he could put his hands on his jaw, cupping his face a crooning his head up to place a light kiss on his forehead.

''call me if you need to, okay?'' jisung asked. ''i don't want you slipping thinking you can't contact me.''

''understands,'' he promised, letting his arms hang where he had to hang forward. ''gotta go bye bye now.''

''wait a second longer,'' the younger stopped, reaching out and grabbing his wallet, taking out a bill. ''get yourself some breakfast and something to drink.''

hyunjin nodded, gasping softly when jisung grabbed his hand and pushed the money into it. ''thank you so much, master!''

''of course, ditzy baby,'' jisung replied, smiling at how grateful he was. ''no candy, yeah? get yourself something healthy.''

the older hummed, staring at the money for a moment is mesmerisation before putting it in his pocket with a giddy smile.

''m gonna go now,'' he said regretfully, pouting. ''bye bye, i love you.''

''i love you too, precious,'' the younger smiled, watching hyunjin back up towards the door, still hesitant to leave. ''good luck.''

hyunjin giggled a second before the door clicked shut, separating them from each other for a few hours and making him feel sad when all he wanted was to cuddle up with jisung.

the boy started walking toward a grocery store, clasping a hand over the money in his pocket and trying not to smile too much.

when he walked into the store he ignored his urge to go search out candy, going to find something good in the bakery section.


their relationship doesn't grow it leaps and that's okay it's okay not to be a good writer

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