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''perfect baby, huh?'' woojin praised. ''so good for telling me you wanted to stop.''

''m stupid,'' chan mumbled, looking away. ''shouldn't have stopped you.''

''that's what the safeword is for, baby,'' the older denied, letting chan lean on him. ''you should always use it when you feel wrong.''

''d-didn't wanna be bad,'' he sniffled, hiding away in woojin's neck. ''didn't wanna.''

''you never were, little one,'' woojin shushed, petting his hair. ''daddy didn't know it would hurt you, hm? thought you knew i didn't mean it.''

chan's breath hitched in a gasp when his breathing was still messed up. ''thought daddy w-was mad.''

''no, silly baby,'' he denied, kissing his cheek after he pushed him at a bit of a distance. ''you did nothing wrong, i promise.''

the younger just kept crying quietly, letting woojin's touches soothe him as he overthought everything.

''i-i've been bad,'' chan whispered, his eyes closed and head resting against woojin's shoulder. ''not just now, i have.''

''what do you mean, baby?'' woojin wondered. ''have you been touching yourself a lot?''

chan hummed in denial, opening his eyes to stare forward emptily. ''i've been an asshole to my best friend, only because i was jealous.''

''tell me,'' the older coaxed. ''why do you think that, hm?''

''don't be so nice,'' chan dead-panned. ''i hit him and i cursed him out even when he was really far in subspace. i keep mistreating him a-and i don't know why. i-i just get so angry.''

''it doesn't make you a bad person,'' woojin sighed. ''you probably feel out of control, you do things you regret out of carelessness. maybe you just have some problems managing your anger.''

''no i don't,'' he glared, trying to get out of the hold. ''let me go now.''

''you're proving my point,'' the older scolded in a calm voice, easily holding him on his lap while chan tried to squirm away. ''take some deep breaths with me, okay? it's okay.''

chan was basically fuming, eyebrows furrowed deeply and leaning far away from him. ''let me the fuck go.''

''why should i?'' woojin asked. ''so you can be angry? so you can potentially hurt yourself? i would prefer holding you in my lap, thanks.''

the younger raised his hand, moving forward and letting his fist come down on woojin's chest. ''let me go!''

he shook his head in denial, not once breaking even a little. ''stay here, cry for a moment if you need to; hit me, scream at me, yell at me. but you're staying here.''

it was a promise at this point, holding him so tightly as fire was basically burning in chan's eyes.

and he should be terrified; he knew chan was strong and worked out and that he could really hurt him.

but he wasn't, not even the slightest. he just stared straight back at him, unfazed by the glare.

''you can't fool me,'' woojin smiled. ''i know you need this, little one. i know you need to feel small, to be protected like you've always protected others, hm?''

chan outright growled at him, pushing his chest again. ''i will bite you, if you don't stop.''

''go ahead,'' the older dared, even turning his head to expose his neck. ''bite down, then.''

the older's lips twitched and then turned down in a whole new way. ''i don't wanna.'' he admitted in a small voice.

''i know you don't,'' woojin cooed, reaching a hand up to rearrange chan's hair slightly. ''because you're just my baby boy, safe in my lap.''

and then the tears came, big and fast as chan's face contorted with sadness. ''i-it hurts.''

woojin pulled him against his chest, chan just let him, sobbing against him and shaking with it.

''h-how do i make it right,'' he cried out. ''when i do everything so wrong?''

''it's alright,'' woojin shushed, rubbing his back in soft motions. ''we can figure everything out together.''

''but we're supposed to just hook up and that's it,'' chan hiccuped. ''a-and you're making me feel things for you! you're a fucking asshole!''

and just like that his anger was back, trying to struggle away from woojin but held too tightly against his chest.

''god fucking damnit!'' he outright screamed. ''why the fuck are you so strong? it doesn't make sense.''

woojin ignored him, carding his fingers through his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him. ''my pretty baby.''

chan just kept snarling and growling, always trying to push him away.

''just you and me,'' woojin shushed, holding him close. ''you don't need to be tough right now, i know you are. you can be small and tiny and cuddle up to me all you want.''



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