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when hyunjin barked up at him softly to inform him he had slipped enough to feel comfortable jisung chuckled softly.

''hi there, tiny puppy,'' he greeted sweetly, briefly stopping the petting of his hair. ''go get your collar for me, be quick.''

the older scrambled for it, quick to find the collar and getting back to his position in front of jisung.

jisung took it from him and was careful when he secured it around his neck, making sure his skin didn't get stuck in it.

''look so beautiful like this,'' jisung praised, lifting his chin. ''is this your sexual or non-sexual pup space?''

''first one,'' hyunjin whispered, gasping when he forgot his manners. ''master.''

''what do you need from master?'' the younger asked in a sweet voice, guiding him so hyunjin could sit on the floor while he sat on the bed.

hyunjin licked his lips quickly, swiping his tongue over the bottom one. ''wanna have master in my mouth.''

jisung was a bit smaller than average, but he was confident. he was confident that he could still fuck well, not needing to go on about his size for ages.

''you want master to make you gag on it?'' he asked. ''force you down on it so you can't breathe?''

the older seemed conflicted, still just sitting there and reaching out so he could grab his leash, attaching it to the collar and giving the handle to jisung.

''or do you want master to guide you gently?'' jisung offered. ''want me to help you as you take everything so well?''

hyunjin didn't want to talk anymore, sticking up two fingers to show that he wanted the second one.

''got it, pup,'' the younger smiled, hyunjin lowering his fingers and watching as jisung stood up a little and pushed his pants down. ''come on, hm?''

carefully, hyunjin reached out his hand and touched him, surprised when he felt the size even if he shouldn't be.

''that's not so scary, hm?'' jisung asked, sighing softly and tightened his grip on the leash when the boy started palming him.

''s not,'' hyunjin giggled, fingers hooking behind the waistband of his underwear and pouting up at him. ''please, master?''

he laid his head on jisung's thigh cutely, smiling at him happily, somehow already managing to look fucked out just because his cheeks were beet-red from shyness.

jisung put a hand on his cheek and stroked it softly, allowing him to take all the time he wanted when he wasn't all that needy himself.

''what a pretty puppy you are,'' he cooed, just proceeding to pet his cheek and watching hyunjin close his eyes at the soft touch. ''so precious, hm?''

the older giggled lightly, lifting his head and pressing his lips onto his thigh. ''let pup suck you?''

and who would jisung be to deny him that, when he looked so adorable and obedient and so incredibly shy.

he lifted his hips a little to pull down his underwear and put his hands behind him for support, relaxed as hyunjin seemed to look at his member very carefully.

''you can touch, precious,'' he permitted, watching the way hyunjin's hand trembled a little. ''don't be too scared, okay? you wanna hold my hand?''

when hyunjin nodded he offered him his hand, hyunjin putting his own in it and struggling a little before intertwining the fingers.

stumbling, almost, he wrapped his hand around jisung, his hand warm around him to make the younger breathe out in satisfaction.

once he finally wrapped his lips around him he immediately loved it, the feeling of jisung filling his mouth yet never feeling like it was too much.

he hummed softly around him, taking him to the back of his throat and only gagging a little because he was so eager for it.

''careful, doll,'' he pressed, taking a light hold on his hair to stop him from going too fast. ''don't want you to hurt yourself.''

the older whined softly, swallowing around him and feeling so content with jisung in his mouth.

''go ahead, pup,'' jisung allowed, loosening his hold on him and feeling hyunjin pull up slightly and push back down in a bobbing motion. ''make your master feel good.''

hyunjin nodded, only adding to the bobbing before he changed his mind and pulled off fully.

''w-want master to fuck my mouth,'' the older suggested, figuring he would be able to take it and feeling like he was too boring otherwise. ''please?''


oop almost went over the word limit

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