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once hyunjin finally came down from that, jisung was laying still on top of him.

''is it okay if i pull out or do you need a moment longer so you won't be so sensitive, hm?'' he wondered, the older still trembling with every breath.

hyunjin hummed, somewhere between sleep and being wide awake, letting out short moans high in his throat when jisung pulled out.

he let himself be rolled onto his back and laughed loopily as jisung peppered kisses over his face.

''my perfect baby did so well,'' jisung marvelled, fussing over him and holding his hands gently. ''such a perfect little puppy, i love you so much.''

the older hummed as a response; figuring jisung knew by now what he meant.

''we're gonna get you cleaned up in a moment, okay prince?'' the younger asked, massaging his tummy gently because there must've been pressure on it. ''if you fall asleep then it's fine.''

hyunjin nodded, blinking his eyes open to look at jisung with a blurred vision.

jisung smiled at him, a tissue in hand that he used to clean up the cum sticking to the older's soft skin.

''can you move to my bed, baby?'' jisung asked, having used a water bottle and a towel to clean him up further. ''this one's all dirty.''

the older lazily reached his hands up, the younger leaning down to let him wrap them around his neck and taking a hold on him so he could carry him.

and even if hyunjin was so much bigger, he felt fine carrying him for short distances, laying him down on his own bed.

''you're gonna have a little sleepy time, hm?'' he asked, smoothing his hand over his waist and looking at him lovingly. ''such a sleepy pup.''

''no!'' hyunjin gasped. ''master gotta cum too!''

''it's fine, baby,'' jisung denied, hand moved down to stroke his thumb over his prominent hipbone. ''you don't have to do anything, you've been so good today.''

''but want master to feel good too,'' the older pouted, trying to gather enough energy to sit up. ''wanna help!''

''hey, puppy,'' he said in a more stern voice, pushing him down with a gentle hand. ''you can play with master later, yeah? i want you to sleep now.''

hyunjin huffed, laying down and turning around away from him, crossing his arms.

''don't be like that, little prince,'' jisung coaxed, pulling at his waist lightly. ''master doesn't want you to hurt yourself, you need sleep.''

the older kept ignoring him, shoving his face into the bed under him only to yelp when a hand hit his ass.

''listen to me now, pup,'' he repeated in that same cold tone. ''you're going to sleep, no whining.''

hyunjin huffed, laying down and dramatically faking some snores and actually toning down when the mere closing of his eyes had sleep swooping him.

jisung smiled, knowing he couldn't stay disobedient for long.

''my pretty little thing,'' jisung cooed only moments before hyunjin fell asleep, petting his hair and leaning down to kiss his temple. ''always just wanna be good.''

he sighed and went to his own bed, changing the covers with huffs of protest and cuddling up against hyunjin once he was done.

jisung pushed his face into his back, sighing in content at the familiar smell.

''you're so beautiful,'' he whispered, wrapping his arms around his waist the best he could, pressing kisses on his back. ''i'm gonna give you the time of your life when we go to the netherlands, i promise.''

hyunjin pressed back against him subconsciously, sighing deeply so that jisung just smiled and nuzzled him.

''tiny tiny cutie,'' jisung mumbled, placing his hand flat on his tummy. ''all mine.''

finally, he decided to stop talking to thin air, closing his eyes and feeling so at home with the taller wrapped up in his arms.

and he fell asleep like that, hyunjin drifted out of it after a few hours and then just sighing, turning and pushing his face into his chest before falling right back to sleep.

it was so comfortable for them to be like this by now, always cuddling at every moment they could.

jisung was always so warm; especially in the cold winter the body was extremely welcome.

but he knew that even in the heat of the summer he would cuddle up to him, no matter how sweaty and uncomfortable it would be.

for them it just turned out that way. they were clingy, they didn't care.


idk what to do for next chapteeeeeeer

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