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''jisung,'' he whispered into the dark, knowing that the younger was still awake. ''i,,, i miss you.''

''i'm right here,'' jisung replied, staring up at the ceiling. ''i always am.''

they hadn't talked much for the past week, only a couple more fantas being left on his nightstand before it stopped completely.

''you're-'' hyunjin said, voice morphing with tears and his breath shuddering. ''i really fucking miss you.''

''come on,'' jisung sighed, lifting his duvet and moving back a little. ''come lay with me, yeah?''

hyunjin didn't even think before he was already slipping in to the space between the covers and somehow immediately feeling warmer.

it was a while of them laying together before jisung properly invited him, opening his arms and hyunjin immediately taking it when he pushed his head into his chest.

finally, it felt like he could breathe again. he could smell the slight hint of his cologne still lingering and laundry detergent apparent on his clothes.

after all this time, it felt like he didn't need to worry about things for a little bit, just hiding away.

''puppy,'' jisung spoke, hyunjin feeling giddy over the title. ''tell me, how are things with chan?''

without even an inch of control he just started sobbing, jisung a bit shocked and holding him tightly where he had honestly just wanted to know.

''oh, precious,'' he shushed, putting a hand in his hair. ''what's wrong?''

''i really try to like him,'' hyunjin cried out. ''b-but the feelings i want are just refusing.''

''are you maybe tricking yourself into thinking you like him?'' jisung suggested, not even thinking of himself. ''well?''

''nothing he does affects me anymore,'' the older sniffled. ''not even when he kisses me or when he calls me puppy. it just feels like he's trying to make me slip even if i don't like it.''

''does he know you don't like slipping?'' he wondered, hyunjin nodding. ''then it's not very nice of him, hm?''

''i don' wanna break up now that i finally have him,'' hyunjin shook. ''b-but i don' wanna keep pretending.''

''maybe tell him you want some time to think,'' jisung suggested, hand moved to the nape of his neck to pull him close. ''he should let you have that.''

''okay,'' he agreed in a whisper. ''can i maybe sleep here tonight?''

''of course, pup,'' the younger allowed. ''stay here as long as you want to.''

''thank you,'' hyunjin replied genuinely, hugging himself closer to jisung again, wanting more of it, of him. ''you're a good person.''

''you're a good boy,'' jisung countered only to make hyunjin giggle softly at the praise. ''don't forget it. you're good as long as you try.''

''m sleepy now,'' he mumbled. ''wanna sleep with you, all warm n nice.''

''go to sleep, then,'' the dominant suggested. ''i'll protect you from all meanies.''

hyunjin giggled softly, nodding and at the same time snuggling closer to him. ''sungie's way too small.''

''size doesn't mean how scary someone is,'' jisung denied. ''you're a big boy and you're adorable.''

the older squeaked, hiding and grabbing the duvet to throw it over the part he was, closing himself off from the world.

jisung didn't say anything, hands coming back up to massage his scalp and lulling hyunjin to sleep slowly.

and then chan walked in, jisung still scrolling through his twitter feed while never stopping his petting at hyunjin's head.

''where is he?'' chan asked, looking at the empty bed and the younger's heart racing hoping that hyunjin stayed still.

cuddling wasn't cheating, but he knew that chan didn't like him touching hyunjin in general.

''staying with a friend,'' he lied after years of practice. ''don't know which one.''

''oh,'' the older breathed, nodding. ''if you find him before i do please tell him i'm sorry.''

''will do.'' jisung agreed, not getting the chance to ask why he would have to apologise before chan had already shut the door.

he didn't say a word, putting down his phone and properly wrapping his arms around hyunjin again, pulling down the duvet so it would be easier for him to breathe.

in all honesty, hyunjin looked ethereal. even in the darkness of the room he could tell that his lips were parted a little and his hair was all messy from his administrations.

but jisung had noticed how worn out he had been looking as well, bags under his eyes and small cuts and wounds on his lips from gnawing on them.

so he vowed to himself to look after him again, whispered it to hyunjin in an unheard whisper to press the seal on it.

''good night, precious.'' he whispered before he shifted a little and got more comfortable.


hm chan you're being an ass bruh

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