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''hyunnie,'' jisung called softly. ''you gotta wake up, puppy.''

the older grumbled in protest, tugging on the duvet until it covered him completely. ''why?''

''because we gotta get you something to eat, baby,'' he explained, moving and putting a hand in his hair. ''must be hungry, you slept for a while.''

right as he was about to deny the statement, his stomach made some noise, hyunjin whining at the fact that it meant they would have to get up.

''how about,'' jisung said, dragging out the t. ''we go out to eat something? a date, you can call it that.''

''it's so comfy here, though,'' hyunjin tried to protest, rolling over jisung more as if to keep him down. ''and i'm not one for fancy restaurants.''

''we can just go to mcdonald's, then,'' the younger offered. ''or i can go and get it while you stay here all cuddly and keep the bed warm?''

''no,'' he whined, holding on tighter to jisung when he could feel him attempting to get up. ''i'll come with you, but please stay here a little longer?''

''of course, puppy,'' jisung smiled, finally tightening the hold in return and letting hyunjin breathe him in. ''if you change your mind you can tell me you want to stay.''

hyunjin hummed, nuzzling closer to him and biting into his sweater. ''all to myself, just for a little more.''

''you have me all to yourself for forever,'' the younger promised. ''remember that, baby. i'll always be with you.''

''chan doesn't want me to contact him ever again,'' hyunjin finally explained his sadness, feeling the weight lift off his shoulders. ''he just texted me, i couldn't reach him.''

''oh, puppy,'' jisung shushed, hearing his little hiccups when the tears came back. ''we can go visit him, talk about it. you didn't do anything wrong.''

hyunjin changed his position to fully lay on him, sobbing into his sweater while jisung rubbed his back.

''it's okay, hm?'' the younger calmed him, hands slipping under his top to stroke his bare back. ''we're gonna go get some junk food, then we're gonna have a nice cuddly night and watch all your favourite movies and only after that we will start to think about chan. sound good?''

the boy nodded against him, lifting his face just a little and looking at him with red-rimmed eyes. ''c-can i get nuggets?''

jisung laughed softly, nodding. ''you can have all the nuggets you want, baby. as long as you'll feel better.''

so when they ordered a hundred and fifty nuggets and added fifteen milkshakes of all kinds of flavours the workers were shocked, the fifty packs of fries didn't work either.

but they paid for it, took the order in a ridiculous amount of paper bags and had hyunjin finally letting out a little giggle as they waddled out.

once they got back to the dorm the put everything out, hyunjin throwing himself at jisung and pushing the two of them back against the floor.

''thank you,'' he whispered, pressing their cheeks together. ''thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me.''

jisung smiled, helping him sit back up and handing him a box of nuggets, opening it for him and putting it in his lap.

he put down a chocolate milkshake next to where he had his legs crossed and taking his laptop to put orange is the new black back on.

they just sat like that; munching on fries and chicken nuggets and taking sips of their milkshakes.

at some point hyunjin took a break from eating, leaning against jisung and taking sips from a strawberry milkshake.

''you getting sleepy, baby?'' he asked, putting some more fries in his mouth and cooing when hyunjin nodded. ''you can take a little nap, we can eat more later.''

hyunjin nodded, unable to stop himself from staying awake much longer as piper chapman went on for ages about another thing that had gotten out of hand.

''wake me up in an hour, please?'' the older requested, taking jisung's free hand and intertwining their fingers. ''i wanna stay up with you all night.''

jisung made a noise of acknowledgement, squeezing his hand softly. ''i'll wake you up, promise.''

the boy giggled once more, closing his eyes and letting jisung take the milkshake from him.

he slept peaceful, jisung at one point moving him from resting on his shoulder to laying his head down on his lap.

and he just played with his hair again, so in love with the black strands and everything else.


i dont have any ideas left man

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