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so hyunjin didn't go the lecture, jisung suggesting that they could go shopping instead and keeping the puppy close to him.

they ended up in a cat cafe after hyunjin had gotten some new shoes, a cat cuddled into the older's lap so that he pet it's head softly.

he had a coffee and a piece of apple pie in front of him, his full attention on the small cat.

''look up, hyunnie,'' jisung said, hyunjin doing as asked to meet the younger's camera pointing at him. ''pretty.''

jisung put it as his lock screen, smiling at hyunjin's innocent expression on the photo and the small cat still sleeping in his lap.

''don't forget to drink your coffee,'' he reminded. ''it'll go cold.''

hyunjin nodded, taking the mug and raising it to his lips, taking a sip from it and letting his tongue dart out to lick away the foam.

''is it good, precious?'' jisung asked, watching him and using the straw to take a sip of his own iced coffee.

the older nodded again. ''s nice.''

''cage still comfy?'' he wondered in one of the lowest voices possible, not wanting anyone to hear but needing to know.

a fierce blush spread over his face, humming and digging a fork into the pie clumsily before putting it in his mouth.

jisung laughed in amusement at how flustered he got. ''gotta make sure you feel nice, baby.''

they left once they finished and paid for the it, the cat having woken up and getting out of his lap from free will.

he knew he was coming out of subspace, happy that he would be able to walk around without feeling that dizzy.

but he did stay close to jisung anyways, the streets surprisingly busy and not wanting to lose him in the crowd.

jisung got them into a music shop, taking him along until they were in front of the guitars and taking an acoustic from a stand.

the older sat down, putting his chin in his hand in interest and watching as jisung sat down.

he adjusted his fingers and struck the first chord, trying it out and liking the sound of it.

right after he started strumming more of them, playing a small improvised song and smiling to himself when he flattened his hand on the snares to stop the sound.

''i've been meaning to get one for a while, mine is still at home,'' he explained, finding the weight of it comfortable. ''do you think it's pretty, pup?''

the older nodded, liking the pretty light blue shade of it and unable to help but think how it matched with his outfit.

''are you gonna buy it?'' hyunjin wondered, thinking jisung looked nice with the instrument.

''i think so,'' jisung smiled, looking up from the guitar back to him. ''how about you pick out a pretty case for it?''

hyunjin agreed and searched through them, eventually coming up with black bag that had some light blue butterflies stitched into the front. ''this one?''

''of course, precious,'' he agreed before he even looked at it. ''it's perfect, hm?''

the older giggled, jisung ruffling his hair and getting up from his seat.

''let's go pay, then.'' the younger smiled, leading them to the counter and making quick work of it, the employee putting it in the bag so he could carry it on his back.

when they were out of the store, jisung caught himself almost grabbing his hand, snatching back quicker than light.

''do you still wanna go to your shop?'' jisung asked. ''you wanna get some new toys to play with?''

''uhm-'' hyunjin stammered, a lot more shy now that he wasn't properly in his headspace. ''yeah, kinda.''

''go ahead,'' he encouraged, subtly patting hyunjin's butt twice. ''take us there.''

the older did, guiding them along streets and taking the mask to put it over his face, raising his hood to cover the top of his head and quickly walking in before someone could see.

meanwhile jisung didn't care, doing the bare minimum to hide himself and staying close to him in an act of possessiveness.

''well?'' he teased, one hand on his waist. ''what did you wanna get?''

''don't know,'' hyunjin mumbled, looking around the store in the same shy way as he had before while jisung observed every item carefully. ''just wanted to look.''

''you're barely looking,'' jisung laughed, pressed against his back. ''you're so shy.''

''i-i-'' the older stammered, impulsively grabbing a random item. ''i have the right to.''



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