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jisung shuffled up a little for better access, figuring the kiss meant he wasn't mad after all the words had tried to convince him already.

their heads moved a little to make it more comfortable, small nods to make their lips push against each other.

and then jisung just let their mouths rest against each other, so happy that hyunjin had initiated it in such a way and basking in it.

''i love you,'' jisung mumbled against them, liking how he could feel his lips connect and disconnect with hyunjin's from the actions. ''i do.''

hyunjin jerked his head back a bit, disconnecting them so that jisung worried he did something wrong.

leaning forward, hyunjin connected their mouths once more; he couldn't get enough.

if jisung was a drug, then he was addicted. if hyunjin needed to breathe, then jisung was oxygen.

''god,'' he laughed at his own stupidity. ''i love you too, more than you'd think.''

jisung pulled away, laying his head down on top of hyunjin's chest again and sighing deeply.

''m sorry for waking you up,'' jisung apologised softly. ''i-i went too fuzzy for a moment.''

''we can stay awake, if you want to,'' hyunjin suggested, moving his hands to go under jisung's sweater and resting on his bare back. ''just talk about things instead of sleeping.''

''you need to sleep, though,'' the younger protested, pouting a little. ''you must be tired.''

''not really,'' he denied. ''i wanna take care of you, just let me, yeah? we can talk about all the things you wanna do.''

''okay,'' jisung agreed, staring into darkness. it made him feel safe, like everything he said would stay there. ''yeah, please.''

''tell me your goals,'' hyunjin suggested. ''tell me what you dream about.''

''i want to be in love with someone,'' the younger confessed. ''to have someone i can always turn to, loves me for everything i am.''

hyunjin hummed in acknowledgement, trying not to apply it to himself.

''a-and i want to go to the netherlands once i find him,'' jisung continued. ''because we would be free there, they don't judge you for kissing and whatever on the street, even if you're gay.''

''that sounds nice, baby,'' hyunjin cooed, scratching his nails down his skin. ''i can see why you'd like that.''

''but lately,'' he started, feeling his nerves in his throat as what he was about to say, his voice quieting down. ''i can only think about going with you.''

a silence fell over them, jisung waiting for a reply and hyunjin processing the information.

he was about to apologise, lie that it was a joke to see his reaction.

''when?'' the older asked, his hands stilled on his back and his breathing a big irregular from how it had hitched. ''when do you want to go?''

''the day you tell me you're in love with me,'' jisung risked, pushing further. ''i don't care how long i'll have to wait.''

''i'm scared you won't have to wait for long,'' hyunjin whispered. ''i'm terrified.''

jisung laughed fondly, squeezing him softly. ''i'll take care of you, please don't be scared. i want to be there for you no matter what.''

''you're making it worse when you say that,'' hyunjin complained. ''way worse.''

''good,'' jisung giggled, wiggling a bit on his chest. ''kiss kiss fall in love!''

hyunjin just laughed in return; he didn't know how else to handle the situation. ''kiss me again.'' (ooh good show hyunjin got taste)

''i think you've had all of my kisses for today, mister,'' jisung teased, simply too lazy to move. ''better luck tomorrow.''

''but sungie,'' hyunjin whined, playing into the behaviour. ''i want them now.''

jisung hummed, leaning up and pecking his lips shortly, hyunjin chasing after him to no avail. ''that's all, i've run out completely.''

hyunjin huffed in fake anger, easily turning them so they could lay on their sides. ''you feel better now?'' he whispered, their noses touching.

''yeah,'' jisung replied in the same low tone. ''thank you, really. what's your goal?''

the older froze. ''i don't think we should talk about that right now,'' he protested. ''it'll ruin the mood.''

''please,'' he urged. ''i really wanna know, i told you mine.''

''i-'' hyunjin stammered, hiding his face. ''i can't even say it, 'm too shy.''

jisung hummed. ''i'll give you another kiss if you tell me.'' he convinced.

''not fair,'' hyunjin pouted, hiding away. ''i don't wanna say because yours was all deep and meaningful and mine is stupid.''


little cuties

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