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''you want me to keep going?'' jisung asked, moving his arms so they could curl around his shoulders. ''pretty pup wants to be filled up by master that bad, huh?''

''pleasepleaseplease,'' hyunjin whispered, every thrust making him jerk with sensitivity, so good but almost painful. ''wanna be bred.''

''colour?'' the younger asked again, not sure if his moans were so strained because it just was too much.

which would be fine, by the way. all his praises were genuine, all his comments loving and his actions as inviting as possible.

''green,'' he breathed again, trying not to shake too much. ''master fucks puppy so well.''

''my pretty baby,'' jisung cooed, kissing his back where he could reach comfortably. ''you feel so nice around master, pup, so good for me.''

''please,'' hyunjin begged, reaching his arms back to try and grab on to jisung. ''need to be filled so bad, wanna be bred.''

jisung shushed him, concentrating on thrusting the way he liked for a moment, more fond of long and fast strokes.

hyunjin let out one lengthy whine, getting fucked so hard that he had to gasp whenever he got a small moment to breathe.

''you wanna be bred, yeah?'' jisung growled out, holding on to him for better access. ''beg some more for me.''

''master, please!'' the older cried out. ''pup wants to be filled! wants to feel it inside and- and take it so well. please, pretty pretty please, master.''

jisung only had to give a few more thrusts before he let himself bottom out as he came inside of him, groaning and digging his nails into hyunjin's skin a little.

''good boy,'' he praised while he spilled into the condom. ''such a good boy, took master's cock so well. how do you feel?''

''m sensitive,'' hyunjin mumbled, savouring his last moments of being filled. ''so floaty.''

the younger pulled out, quick to take off the condom and discarding it.

he rolled hyunjin over to lay on his back again, looking at the wet stain on the sheets and at hyunjin's flushed face.

and hyunjin was an absolute mess. his face was wet with a mix of sweat, tears and drool and his hair was sticking to his forehead, stuck out to all sides.

jisung just thought he looked beautiful, going for a second to take a washcloth and wiping him down with it, hyunjin letting a small whine of alert slip.

''you're so good.'' he praised, caressing his body and making sure nothing was bruised. (even if they hadn't done anything all that bad)

hyunjin mewled softly when he touched his member on accident, jerking away from the touch.

''my pretty puppy,'' the younger cooed, helping him into some sweatpants once he calmed down and hyunjin refusing to wear a top. ''you proud of yourself, doll?''

the older shook his head, confused as to what he meant and watching him put on his own clothes with hooded eyes.

''why not, hm?'' jisung worried, sitting with him and brushing a hand through hyunjin's damp hair. ''master's very proud of you.''

''don't know what to be proud of,'' hyunjin denied, closing his eyes at the touch. ''came too soon.''

''you were so perfect, pup,'' he shushed, concerned if hyunjin was sub dropping or not. ''took everything so well, such a good boy.''

''master's proud?'' the older asked with puppy eyes, jisung nodding and giving him a quick kiss. ''then puppy is too.''

''i'm always proud.'' jisung promised, kissing him once more before moving to pepper kisses over his face.

hyunjin giggled and squealed, moving his hands to grab on to his shoulders and try to stop him. ''that tickles! stop it, master!''

jisung grinned, continuing to move down to his neck and placing his pecks there to make him squirm even more.

the boy just kept giggling, easily able to push him away whenever he wanted because obviously he was stronger.

once jisung finally stopped he hovered over him, smiling down at how small he was and how innocent he seemed looking up at him.

''you're pretty,'' jisung whispered, sighing in content. ''i'll keep saying it until you remember, even after.''

''cuddles?'' hyunjin requested, still having that underlying fear that he was gonna be left alone and so shy.

jisung smiled once more, sinking down on top of hyunjin and laughing softly when the older buried his face in his neck.

''my pretty doll,'' the younger sighed, petting his air and flipping them so hyunjin could lay on top of him, the weight comfortable. ''you're so so pretty, i'm serious.''

''really?'' he mumbled against his skin, lazy and painfully empty.

''you're the prettiest,'' jisung nodded. ''god, all flushed and fucked out under me. you're beautiful.''


hyunjin prettiest breathe if you agree.

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