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''i understand, baby, i heard you,'' jisung shushed him, rubbing over his back while hyunjin rested his head against his shoulder. ''i'm sorry, i wasn't thinking.''

hyunjin cried into his shoulder softly, hands balled into fists on top of his shoulder, the material of jisung's hoodie clutched in them.

''thank you,'' he sobbed, hiding his face the best he could to make his words muffled. ''thank you so much for listening to me.''

''always, puppy,'' the younger promised, holding him a bit stronger. ''don't ever ever doubt for even a second that i won't listen to you, okay? i'm always watching you, i pay attention to every single thing, it's what i should be doing; keeping you safe.''

a silence fell over them for a moment, a while, actually. he didn't know what to say, and then he knew exactly what.

''what if i'm in love with you?'' hyunjin asked, knowing there were so many consequences to that question and feeling his chest tighten up.

''i'd be honoured,'' jisung said, as if he had it studied in, practiced what he would say. ''you're an angel, so graceful and effortlessly beautiful. i wouldn't let you go.''

''oh,'' he whispered, feeling so oddly safe despite what happened seconds ago. ''i- i can't say it.''

''that's fine,'' the younger said, swaying him from side to side lightly. ''you can take your time, i'm happy having you close.''

hyunjin sighed once more, biting into his shoulder lightly because he was at loss of what else to do.

jisung laughed at the action, always so fond of hyunjin's quirks and antics. ''i'm gonna give you the biggest reward ever tonight, yeah? you deserve it so much!''

''really?'' hyunjin gasped, pushing back from his shoulder to keep their faces at a short distance from each other.

with a soft hum, jisung leaned forward to give him a sweet kiss. ''really, puppy.''

the older squealed in excitement, giggling to make jisung coo softly.

''my pretty little baby,'' he smiled, giving him another few pecks. ''you're so so good for me.''

hyunjin ended up dozing in and out of sleep against his shoulder, warmed by the body against him.

jisung didn't say a word about it, feeling him become more and more relaxed over time.

the older did fall asleep, jisung just falling back and allowing him to lay on his chest, not caring that it was slightly hard to breathe.

''my pretty baby,'' he repeated in a whisper, his hands slipping under hyunjin's clothes and resting on his bare back. ''beautiful, pure beauty.''

hyunjin shifted a little before letting out a deep sigh and seeming to snuggle closer to him subconsciously.

jisung was woken up by mike shaking him lightly, greeting him with a light smile and telling him that they would eat soon.

the boy nodded, sitting up and pushing hyunjin along with the movement, shaking him lightly to wake him up as well.

with a grumble and a soft whine, hyunjin let him know that he was successful.

mike went downstairs to help out with the rest of dinner and jisung took the chance to place a few feathery kisses on hyunjin's neck.

''did you have a nice sleep, puppy?'' he asked in a soft voice, hyunjin nodding against him. ''good, good boy.''

''why good boy?'' hyunjin wondered, eyebrows furrowing slightly. ''all i did was sleep.''

''yeah,'' jisung agreed. ''you're always a good boy, and i didn't praise you enough for using your words to tell me to stop. only the best boys are like you!''

hyunjin giggled, leaning forward and giving jisung an impulsive kiss. ''you're silly.''

slowly, he got off of jisung's lap, a little saddened at the distance but reminding himself that he would be able to be close that night.

once they got downstairs mike and chris (i needed names give it a rest) greeted them again, seeming a bit startled to a reason they couldn't quite grasp.

they ate something typically dutch, the fork and knife still feeling a bit odd every now and then.

and soon enough they were finished, helping them clean up and then jisung and chris going back to his house so they could get ready for the club.

hyunjin knew he would strike all the right chords with his outfit though, giddy when even mike seemed a bit surprised with how good he looked.

''good?'' he asked in his adorable voice, sweet smile swirling on his lips and giggling when mike gave him a thumbs up.


hyunjin is the prettiest boy

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