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italics is flashback

hyunjin tried to read the papers the best he could, but he kept getting distracted.

jisung was back too soon, giving him another cold can of fanta that he thanked him for in a soft voice.

''so, what do you have for me?'' the younger asked, shitting a little closer than before as he looked along on the paper.

''nothing,'' hyunjin mumbled, feeling so dumb again that he seemed so unable to read. ''i-i don't understand, m sorry.''

''it's okay,'' jisung cooed, taking it from him again and holding it so it was easily readable and pointing his finger along with the line he was reading out. ''do you understand what you need to do?''

''think so,'' the older mumbled, opening a new document and feeling too floaty again before yanking himself down harshly. ''please tell me.''

''you're supposed to write an analysis,'' he explained. ''you can describe what a certain plant is made of, that sounds fun, hm?''

hyunjin just nodded, brushing a hand through his hair when the constant in and out of subspace exhausted him.

''are you okay, hyunnie?'' jisung worried. ''do you wanna stop?''

''do you wanna stop, pup?'' chan asked, noticing how hyunjin had grown quite non-verbal and hard to reach.

shaking his head, he quietly pleaded for more, the older putting the vibrator back on the head of his cock to make him whine and squirm.

''that feels good, hm?'' he teased, laughing at him fondly and pinching his nipple lightly. ''poor baby can barely take it anymore.''

''wanna stop,'' the younger managed to get out. ''it's too much, m sorry.''

''it's alright, little one,'' chan cooed, working on getting him cleaned up and stable. ''you've been so good.''

''please,'' hyunjin requested. ''wanna stop.''

''alright, pup,'' jisung smiled, taking the papers and looking at them to see if any of them were due that night. ''let's stop for tonight, you did so well.''

hyunjin just stared at him for a moment, the younger putting a careful hand on his face to cup his cheek and making him lean into the touch.

jisung just nodded, not saying a word as he brushed his thumb under his eye.

when his eyes fluttered shut at that move jisung hummed softly. ''let's get you sleeping, darling.'' he invited, helping him up from his chair.

luckily the older had put on his pajamas as soon as he got home, letting himself be guided to lie down under the sheets and staring up at him.

the younger brushed his hair away from his forehead, smiling at him softly. ''just a sleepy boy, hm?''

hyunjin nodded, his eyes fluttering close as he snuggled into the warmth of his bed. ''sleepy.''

''you want a goodnight kiss?'' he asked softly, knowing that he was pushing his limits but so eager to get what he could.

because he really liked hyunjin. he thought he was beautiful, his pouty lips and shiny eyes never failing to leave him speechless.

the older nodded, not bothering to open his eyes as jisung leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

''good night, puppy,'' he smiled, brushing his hair a moment longer before stilling. ''dream about all types of fun things.''

''wanna dream about you,'' the older breathed, sighing out as he slowly drifted off to sleep. ''you're being very nice.''

jisung just laughed softly, tucking him in a little better and shushing him when he whined at the loss of touch in his hair.

''sleep now, puppy,'' jisung instructed. ''then you can do all kinds of fun things tomorrow.''

hyunjin had fallen asleep by then already, tired from the distress he had been feeling lately.

the younger thought about it for a little. ''a tall sub,'' he mumbled, hoping he took care of him well enough. ''adorable.''

and if hyunjin had hear that, he would've cried. he would've burst out into tears and thanked him over and over again.

but he was sleeping soundly, jisung sitting with his legs crossed on his bed and giving one last glance at hyunjin before turning to his laptop and carefully pushing a hand to palm his crotch.


he let out a shaky sigh and let his head fall back, putting in a single earbud and hearing the moans play through the laptop.

it was a cute video, a pretty boy getting his face slapped the wrong way (which greatly annoyed him and got him to worry for his safety) only to get his nipple teased and whine so sweet he wanted to coo at him.

the sub was so sweet, following every single command no matter how weird they were, scrambling for them.


wOw I wOnDeR wHo ThE bOy In ThE vIdEo Is

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