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Becky's Pov

I was awake lying on the bed quiet and I was staring him sleeping.. I always liked that.. When I could get up first it was beautiful to see him sleep.. He was so serene and calm. He was smiling his sleep..I crossed my fingers softly from his shoulders dragging them slowly towards his back. I leaned my head forward and kissed him on the curve of his neck while my hands were caressing him softly. I could tell he was already smiling more in the kiss. He locked my hands under his own and smiled tenderly as well as he opened his eyes and put his head back and looked at me.

"Morning, sleepyhead" I smiled at him and he left a playful kiss on my nose

"Good morning, princess," he said with a hoarse voice. I bite my bottom lip.

He was the most handsome man in the world and he was all mine. My lips found his in a tender kiss for Good morning..

"Mmm, what time is it?" he asked, rubbing his eyes

"Hmmm about 10" I smiled and shoved into his arms

"What are we going to do today that I have the day off?" he asked while gently caressing my back

"Mmm nothing.. We're going to stay here and I finally get enough of you "I smiled playfully

"Everything is gonna be alright soon babe.. you will see" he smiled at me

"I Know my love.. I'm not complaining.. I have you and that's enough for me" I looked at him i was smiling

"Rebecca" I looked at him serious..he never called me that

"Colby" I said seriously

"Are you happy with me?" he asked me and he looked at me in the eyes

"No, I'm not happy," I replied and waited for his reaction. he looked down he was seem sad..

"I know that.. That I can't yet offer you what you have drea,,,. "He started to say, but I put my finger in his lips and I looked at him straight in the eyes, I didn't let him finishing his phrase

"I'm the happiest woman in the world, and I don't care if we stay engaged 2 years 3 or 5... As long as I'm with you and you love me nothing else matters, and sooner or later, things get better. "I smiled tenderly and I kissed him

Colby and I were together almost 9 years.. We had a two-year difference..He was older than me.. And we've been engaged for a year.. The day he asked me to be his wife was by far the best of my life.. Our house was quite small, we were having a hard time, money problems as i was study tobe a doctor and he was trying to find a job as lawyer, he worked on a coffeeshop and i was working part time on a maternity hospital, but as long as we had our love nothing scared me.

"You know I'll love you forever" I whispered when we broke our kiss

"I know.. And you know that we will be together forever " he smiled and kissed my hand tenderly, I smiled back...

I felt the tears in my cheeks running hot.. Ashley's hand shook me up and I woke up from the stone-late I was... She looked at me.. She took the wine glass from my hand and put it on the coffee table.. She hug me tenderly

"Why you crying love?" she said softly i looked at her with tears running off my eyes unstoppable

"Its all over Ash" I whispered almost barely from crying

"They've been over for years now Becks" she told me caressing my hair

"I always hoped, but now I can't, I can't hope any more" I told her, and she looked at me.

"Why?" she asked.. Deep down I knew she hoped about it too, even if she said the opposite thing all the time..

"That's why" I was mumbling as i was wiping my tears while she was reading the title in the paper.

"The well-known lawyer Colby Lopez and Andreano's Perry daughter Lana are going to be married next month in a beautiful and rich ceremony in Tahiti..."

That's the only thing she read before she throw the newspaper angry.

"You know what? Him and that slut they have to go to the hell.. I don't want to see you like this. That's enough Rebecca, you wasted enough time for him crying all these years.. He don't deserve you.. you don't deserve all this pain.. You're still young, you are beautiful, you've become a great doctor. You deserve a man who will love you with all his heart, so try finally to forget that idiot " she told me while she was staring me in the eyes

"I Love him Ashley, I still love him" i said and i looked at her..

"I know, little girl, but you have to forget him, you have to do that.. you have to go on with your life" she insisted

"I can't and even if i wanted too.. you know that it can't be happen" I told her, and I took a deep breathe.

"Ah... I know that well.. It is difficult under these circumstances " she told me and she made me laugh..

She was right.. It had been four years since then, and I had to forget to move on with my life but both of us already knew very well that this would never happen even if I wanted to.. Because there was something that would bind me forever with him.

Hello hello.. I decided to work on both stories... Hurricane and this one.. Soo I hope you enjoy this one too!! As you can see I'm gonna use their real names.. Sorry for my bad English..I'm trying my best.. Comment vote and tell me what you think about it.. What you think that bind them? Till the next chapter Kisses! XOXO!

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