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Colby's Pov

The morning I got up off the couch where I was asleep I was shocked by the sight.. Everything outside was snowy.. I opened my tablet and watched that all the flights were cancelled.. I sent an e-mail to Mike that I might be spending a few more days in Davenport due to bad weather.. and the I called Lana on the phone

"Baby, what time is your flight? "she asked before I can even say Good Morning

"Um.. first of all good morning and second I have a new not too pleasant" I told her

"What new ?U.... you learned something that you///shouldn't?"she asked me a bit upset  this surprised me

"Umm not just.. I can't get out of here" I told her and she screamed

"WHAT? WHY"?" she asked loud..

"Because Here the temperature is very low has snow and all the flights have been cancelled until further" I replied

"Yes, okay, whatever you say, Colby," she said she was angry and hung up before I could answer her.

I put my scarf back on, my coat, I took my briefcase and I came out of the house.. the cold was too much.I went to get a hot cup of coffee and go to my apartment.. The days I would stay here would give me a chance to concentrate my mind.. calm down and see what I want out of my life after all.. 'Cause lately I've been feeling everything drowning me, and maybe this is where I find a way out...To clear everything and to decide what i want..

Rebecca's Pov

When I opened my eyes this morning and opened the window, everything was white from the snow. It was a beautiful snow landscape..I decided not to open my office today.. I barely got out of bed to get ready.. I had to go get my daughter from my brother..

I wore a sports suit, a hoodie, my jacket, scarf gloves, and I took my way to my brother's home Their house was not away.. The time was 10 o clock and I knew they'd be up. I arrived from outside and knocked on the door.. Paige opened in her pajamas..

"Good morning.. for the skis you go out and ask someone again"she said laughing I looked at her..

"Good morning to you too" I told her as I walked into the House

"Audrey's still sleeping " I heard my brother say from the living room.. I giggled

"Mm - hmm. better because I want the 3 of us to talk about something," I told them..I took my jacket off and sat on the couch

"can I get you a cup of hot coffee?"Paige asked me

"Yes if you want" I told her and made myself comfortable in the couch

"What do you want to tell us?"Dean asked weird

"Be patient and you'll know" I answered Paige gave me my cup

"Well? what brings you to our door besides your daughter?" asked Paige

"I guess you heard that Colby is here ," I told her and she nodded

"Yes, your brother told me," she answered and took a sip of her coffee

"I don't want to hear a word about this asshole," Dean said nervously

"Well i don't care about it cause you will hear" told him, and I had a sip of my coffee.

"Why?"he asked me with the eyebrow raised.

"Because.. I decided to tell him the truth," I told him, and along with Paige the looked at me with their eyes wide open

"What do you mean you decided to tell him the truth?"ask Dean with constant voice

"I..I will find him and I'm gonna tell him about his daughter," I told him while I looked at him

"Rebecca, are you out of your mind? Who did you ask to make a decision like that? "he told me furious

"Shh, you're gonna wake her up," Paige told him, and I looked at him

"I don't have to ask anyone, Dean. This is a decision I have to take on my own and I got it "I answered with certainty

"And are you sure, girl, it's the right decision?"Paige asked me softly

"I don't know if she's right one but it's the most honest one, at some point he'll find out somehow sooner or later.. so he better hear it from me, " I said.. I saw Dean tighten his fists..

"I don't want him near my niece or anywhere near you, Rebecca.. if he suspects something, tell him a lie.. Tell him that she is Tony's , that you don't know who her father is.. Don't let him be in you life once again" he said and I looked at him

"You know I can't do that, it's not right, it's not honest I hid it from him for about 4 years" I told him and saw him being red from his anger.. Paige stroked him on the back

"Calm down, darling.. you know she's right.. he needs to know the truth.."she said to him in a calm voice

"And you agree with this madness ?"he asked her in shock

"No, but that's the way it has to be..Audrey needs her father.. "she explained to him

"She has me she doesn't need anyone else" he replied defensively

"Darling, you play with her with soldiers, you watch football together, and you teach her to spit and kick," she said laughing and I looked at him

"Is that what you teach my daughter?"I asked him laughing. He smiled

"However in a spitting matches she passes me" he replied smiling then approached and hugged me

"I don't want you to get hurt again, Rebecca.. I know you're not over him and that you still want him and love him.. I don't know if you'll do well by putting him in your life again"he said to me and I hugged him better I leaned on his chest

"I know you're worried, Dean, and I'm scared of everything that's gonna come next, but you know it has to be done.. he has a right to know" I mumbled and he stroked my hair

"I know, dammit. I just don't want to see you crying again, "he squeezed me in his arms, I squeezed him too..

Dean and I we have 5 years difference .he is older.. but he loves me.. he loves me more than anything I' his little sister.. he can piss me off with things he says or does, but I would never change him for anyone..Now that Dean knew what I was going to do, I was more sure.. I knew this had to be done.. And I was ready for it..

In an apartment he was sitting drinking a cup of coffee, a message came to his cell phone.. he picked it up and read it

"Make sure that while he's there they don't talk and see each other at all or our plan will be broken"

"Done" was the answer he wrote to her and sent her the message.

The last Chapter for tonight.. I hope you enjoy it.. Well he had a moment of brother and sister..Lets see if she actually talk to him.. If you like it vote and comment,..let me know what you think so  far for the story..I want to read in the comments who you believe they are that they texting and why! Till the next chapter tomorow kisses..XOXO!

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