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Rebecca's Pov

Paige left after one hour and I stayed home with my little angel. I was thinking for few minutes.. Then I grabbed my phone and i opened it.. I wrote a message and sent it to Tony..


"Hey Tony, its Becks.. i wanna ask you something.."

"Good morning beauty queen yeah.. ask me.. anything you want"

"Is your proposal for dinner? still valid "

"Of course it is. whenever you want"

"Can we do it tonight?

"Of course. What time? "

"9 o'clock i will pass from the coffee shop"

"Ok. See you tonight..kisses"

"See you.. kiss"

Audrey was watching cartoons and she was playing with her toys.. So i had the chance to give a call to Ashley.. I asked her to come over.. Within half an hour she was here.. Audrey ran in her arms.

"Godmommy" she screamed happily and Ashley lifted her into her arms.

"My princess.. What are you doing? "she asked her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm watching Barbie will you join me?" she asked playfully

"I'll be with you in a moment. I want something to say to mommy first, okay? "she told her and kissed her in her forehead.

"Mmm OK" she smiled as well as Ashley let her on her feet.. Audrey ran back to her place and Ashley looked at me..

"And now tell why I have to come over as fast as i could" she asked me as she was looking me straight in the eyes

"I want you to do me a favor," I said reluctantly.

"Say What you want," she told me without stop to look at me.

"Do you mind tonight to keep Audrey?" I finally told her

"Nope.. its a pleasure you know that but why? You don't leave her especially on Weekends "She asked me curiously

"Yes that's true but.. um.. "I said reluctantly

"Just tell me " she said a little nervous

"I am going out tonight with Tony for dinner. It's a Date "I told her eventually with a breath and she smiled at me

"Finally.. Some miracle happened I'm sure otherwise there is no why to explained it " she replied as she was laughing

"Ashley not funny" I told her I was offended

"It was about time. And how did you change your mind? you said that you

wouldn't go out with him? "she asked me when she stopped laughing.

"Paige convinced me to do it" i told her and i looked her

"Ah, Paige. She was the one who convinced you to do that, but when say that to you, you don't give a damn, "she told me well-offended

"She gave me a great reason to do it, you don't" I said mockingly

"And what was that?" she asked me

" If I didn't decide to go out with Tony, she would never have sex with Dean again, you know how my brother is sometimes, i replied and we both laughed

"I know yes.. But all right at least someone convince you to give him a

chance.. Well, we have to see what you're going to wear and how you can be

ready about your first date.... You must mesmerised him, "she told me the I looked at her

"Relax, he knows me, his whole life.. I know what I'm going to wear. The only thing I want from you is to take Audrey with you and I'll come get her tomorrow" I told her and finally we agreed..

The day passed quickly.. Ashley took Audrey in her house when she left,in the afternoon and I started getting ready for my date.. I had enough anxiety. Even though I knew Tony several years and he knew me well the anxiety has was terrible..I had four years to date someone, and I didn't know how it would end up. I finally got ready and started for his shop..

Colby's Pov

My first day here had no interest.. Tomorrow I will go to my parents.. Today i was walking by the city to remind it.and do some shopping for my house.. Last I left a place that changed my life twice... It was late afternoon about to 9 pm.. I was outside of the corner café.. I opened the door and I went in.. I was wearing my black suit with a white shirt. I had my tablet in my hand I approached the counter..

"One espresso decaf and fast" i told to the clerk who was turned back

"We are cloded" he responded with out looking at me

"And who I get in if you are closed?" i asked while I was put my tablet in the counter.. I looked at him.. prevailed silent.. Then he spoke..

"Colby" he told me and he looked at me carefully

"Excuse me, do we know each other?" I looked at him

"I'm Tony" he told me and i looked at him more carefully

"Tony who?" i asked annoying

"Tony we use to work together here" he said and then i recognized him

"Oh yea.. I didn't recognized you.. you have changed a lot" i said.

"And you too, but I recognized you" he answered

"Of course you did.. I'm famous" i said

"Yeah that's why" he said with irony

"You still workin here?" i asked calmly

"No.. I'm not an employee here" he said

"Then what?" i asked curious

"I own this place.. I bought it two years ago" he answered and I barely smiled at him

"Yeah, but what about my coffee? you gonna make it or not?" I ask and he nodded..

I looked the time in my gold Rolex and I caught the tablet once again.. i was searching on the internet something for my job..When the door suddenly opened.. A familiar scent pierced me.. Vanilla and Caramel.. a familiar perfume..

"I'm sorry I'm a little late, but it took me more time to prepare" a familiar voice was heard. I returned and I looked.. I froze.. Rebecca.. she was right in front of me.. She wore a beautiful winter dress and a pair of red pumps..She was.. beautiful

"Rebecca" we said with Tony at the same time.. She turned and looked at me..

"Colby" she mumble and she froze in her position


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Hola... Here we are again with the 4 chapter on my story..I hope you enjoy it.. If you like it vote and comment.. let me know what you think about it.. In the pic is Rebecca's outfit for her date.. Till the next chapter.. Kisses.. XOXO!

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