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Becky's Pov..

I returned home.. I took off my heels, I changed, I wore my nightgown and I put a glass of wine. I sat by the window looking out.. I was thinking about what I should do..Maybe I should have talk to Colby about his daughter. For our daughter. I had kept him for several years in ignorance and maybe that was wrong. Not even when I found out I said nothing.. I didn't want him to think that I was blackmailing him with the pregnancy to stay with me, I let him do his life and I took the responsibility of myself. That's what I had to do.. I wanted to keep the baby. My mind went back to the day we cancelled our engagement.. It was something that hurt my feelings deeply..

I waited for him to come home one more night. Ever since he got this damn job,, it took him longer to get back home and he neglected me enough.He left me alone for several hours, many times he was abrupt. He was tired, that's what he said.. Sometimes I believed him but some other times no.. I looked the clock showed 11 when I finally heard the keys at the door.. I had a romantic setting, I wanted to talk to him. He came in and threw the briefcase on the couch.. He hung up his jacket.. I got up and I got close to him I tried to kiss him but he pulled back

"What happened, baby?" I asked him Curious

"I want to talk to you, Rebecca," he told me serious.. I was surprised.

"What's the matter?" II asked with wonder while he looked at the table in front of us

"What's all this about?" he asked me curious he pointed the table

"I have something to say to you," I told him smiling.

"Okay, can I start?"he asked and I nodded

"Of course" I smiled

"Sit down," he said, and I sat down, he sat next to me, he looked at me without talking.. I broke the silence

"Colby, what's wrong? What happened, darling? Did something happen at work? "I asked by caressing his back.. he remove my hand softly

"Rebecca I want us to break up" he threw at me suddenly.. I looked at him shocked

"Wh... what?" I asked with difficulty

"I want us to break up" he said to me again, I felt the blood freeze in my veins and my breath  was cutting off. it took me several minutes to recover..

"Why, Colby? why now?"I asked him angry

"'Cause lately we've been fighting"  he told me, the truth was that we actually fighting a lot lately

"We're arguing because you've put your job above me," I told to him angry

"You knew it was hard work," he said cold

"and you promised nothing would change.."I told him and I stood up

"Can't we break up quietly?"he asked me as he looked at me

"No, Colby, not when you're not telling me the truth." i said to him

"What do you mean?" he asked me

"That you kidding me.. we don't break up because we fight, we break up because you replaced me with Lana, we're breaking up because I don't fit you anymore.. we split up because you don't find me enough.. That's how much you loved me, Colby.." I told him as I trying keep my tears from running

"You know it's not true" he tried to say

"Forget it.. we're done.. tonight I'll get out of here" I told him.. I took off the  ring off my finger and i put it on the table

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