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Colby's Pov

She hugged me tight and wouldn't let me go.. I haven't felt like thins in years intense emotions. I held her in my arms and a thousand memories return in my mind.. I missed that hug.. she asked me about that woman, by the time I told her who she was she broke the hug and she looked at me shocked

"Colby can you tell me again what you said ?"she asked me

"This woman is Tony's fiancée," I told her

"How.. how do you know that.. um.. that she is his fiancée?" she asked me strangely

"You want me to tell you?" I asked

"Of course I want you to tell me," she replied..

"Okay, listen," I told her

I was going home after my ride with Manuel.. I found a woman waiting for me outside my door. I got close and looked at her

"Excuse me, Would you want something?"I asked her politely

"Are you Colby Lopez?" she asked me nicely

"Yes, this is me " I told her

"Um.. I want to give you some advice, " she said and I looked at her strange

"I hear you," I told her

"Take Rebecca and your child and leave, Tony is danger to all 3 of you, " she told me and I looked at her surprised

"How do you know Tony?"I asked her

"I'm his fiancée," she said, and I was shocked

"You are what?"I asked her

"His fiancée.. for 6 years.. "she told me

"I... I didn't know.. but why do you say we're in danger," I told her

"In great danger.. look.. I'm playing my life here by coming to you and find you but she and the kid didn't owe anything, you have to protect her before he started to be violent with her too.." she told me and stood up from the step she was sitting

"Is.. is he beating you?"I asked her

"Yeah but for me its to late.. I can't get away from it.. you take care of your family," she said and she left in a hurry..

I looked at Rebecca..She could barely get her breathe.. I picked her up and we approached a window.. I opened the window for her to take some air

"What are you talking about, Colby ? that's means that..me and our kid are in danger?"she asked me in agony while she squeezed my hand in hers..

"Don't be afraid I'm here babe" I told her and she looked at me

"You won't always be here Colby you'll have to go back,in yur life in new York" she said Sad. I lifted up her face and looked at her

"I'll be here as long as it takes.. nothing matters more right now from your safety, Rebecca, do you understand that?"I told her easy..I was looking at her eyes..I lean a little bit more and when I went to kiss her the bell rang..

"You have.... you have to open it.. it's the food " she told me with difficulty

"Yes.. yes, I have to " I told her almost whispering.. on the second ring of the bell I left her to open the door to get the order..

We sat on couch and we ate.. I made fun so she calm herself down.. We finished eating and I opened a bottle of wine I put her a glass and I looked at her and she looked at me.

Rebecca's Pov

Since I could calm down a little bit, we managed to eat.. we were having fun and we were drinking beer.. when we were done, he brought some wine.. he sat beside me and I looked at him.. I felt weird.. as if nothing had changed since then.. A few minutes before, we almost kissed.. and on the one hand I felt lucky that he bell rang in the other hand I was cursing about the same thing.. I looked at him

"Well the jokes are nice but we have to talk seriously now" I said to him

"Yes.. we have to talk about our daughter," he told me he was serious too

"Ask me what you want to know about her" I told him and I had a sip of wine

"First her name her age and what she knows about me" he asked me I took one breath

"her name is Audrey I remember that you wanted to name your daughter like that, she is 3-and-a-half years old.. and she knows nothing about you. so far she hasn't asked any questions.. she only mentioned you once" I told him and he looked at me

"Yeah, she's still too young to ask," he said

"And this but the void was covered so far by her godfather Manuel and Dean so

she didn't feel this missing but I know that sooner or later she'll feel it" I admit

"I understand," he said and took a big sip of his wine

"Colby, before I let you invade my daughter's life like that, so I  have to ask you how willing you are to participate in this" I asked him and he looked at me he left his glass in the table

"I'll be here with 1000%. Audrey will be my first priority" he answer.. I was surprised

"How will that be? you'll live in New York you'll get married you'll get another family" I told him and he looked at me.. he smirked

"Well I can move my office here, and the marriage isn't sure what I mean is, Lana decided all...I didn't make any proposal.. and I don't intend to have another family before I have enough of my daughter" he answer and I'm frozen

"Wow" was all I could say

"Are you shocked ?"he asked me while he was laughing

"Of course.. I didn't expect this reaction " I told him while I had a big sip from my wine

"What did you expect?"he asked me

"To shout, to claim her custody,to want to take her away from me,that you wanna leave or not want anything to do with her" I answered him with all my sincerity.. he got closer to me and caught me by the chin.. lift up my head and made me look at him

"I've always wanted to have a family and children with you, Becky," he almost said whispered

"I.. I know" I said reluctantly

"And now I have a child with you.. that comes first..that and you" he looked at me deep in the eyes

"And I wanted a child with you" I told him while I was looking at him

"Tell me you never forgot me" he asked me

"Never..I've always loved you and always will love you" I confessed and I bite my bottom lip

He finished the short distance that divided us when his lips touched with mine. I was surprised. I wanted to, but I didn't see it coming. At first I hesitated, but then I gave in the kiss.. I got my fingers in his hair while he held me tight from my waist.. I felt my body wake up. I'm burning out of desire.. he laid me back on the couch without breaking any of us the kiss...

So here we are with another chapter the second for today..This is dedicate to all of you.. thanks for your support. One notice.. Not all the story will be in povs.. some parts like the love scene or some kisses and some other parts will be on no one poves.. The flashbacks are written like this ,  ..  Enjoy the chapter and untill the next chapter propably tomorrow kisses.XOXO and don't forget to vote and comment!

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