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Dean's Pov.

I was sitting outside the hospital in the yard smoking non-stop. I've been thinking about everything that's happened over the years between my sister and Colby.. Those who blamed me were right. It was true I didn't like Colby.. and it was true that I never realized that he loved her more than anyone.. It wasn't his fault that Tony was crazy and had kidnapped Audrey.. It was my fault for telling him for years that I wanted him around Becky. I thought she'd be happier with him than she was with Colby, not counting the fact that the only one who's make her happy was him.. I was begging God for a miracle.. Colby to be saved and I'll apologize to him.. Ashley came down and found me sitting on a bench smoking.she sat next to me.

"It's my fault, Ashley.. no one else's.. it's my fault you were right.. I never understood how much this man loves her and went to death for her," I told her, I blew my cigarette smoke..

"It doesn't matter now.. what matters is he to be saved by death and then you have all the time to talk," she said and caressed my shoulder

"I wish that too and I promise I won't say a bad word about him ever again" I told her and I rubbed my cigarette

"Your sister's having a hard time she needs you around, Dean.. you more than us" she told me and got up

"Where Are you going?"I asked her

"We go upstairs.. she needs us by her side, " I got up and followed her..

She was right.what I had to do now was stand by my sister's side..

Ashley's pov

Becky was devastated. it would take a long time to recover from this shock.. She was crying.I couldn't help her.. She was scared and terrified for Colby's life.. none of us had ever imagined that this story would end like this.. Turns out that Colby loves her more than any of us. Passionately.. And he'd rather lose his own life than hurt her. And she loved him as much as anyone else.. I felt guilty for convincing her to give Tony a chance.I felt equally responsible for the situation she was in right now.. iF.. if I had heard of Manuel now all the things would be completely different, if I had them convince that something's not right with him, maybe now she was at home with her child and the man who loves to prepare Christmas sweets, instead of being here and beg for a Christmas miracle, Colby to survive.

Rebecca's Pov..

The news from the doctors made me sick. I had no more tears. I begged for a miracle. Everyone was here with me and yet I felt so alone. I was alone. Everyone wanted me with someone else, they never realized that my other half was Colby and he loved me more than anyone. And now he's struggling to live. He stepped in front of a bullet so I could live.. I begged God to live.. to get better even that means I'll live away from him.. The time was almost 4 in the morning. We were sitting outside the E. R. when the door opened a door and came out.. I jumped out of my chair and ran to him..

"Doctor, what's going on ?"I asked worried.. I held Ashley's hand tight..

"He seems to be responding.. we managed to get the second bullet out of him and stop the bleeding, " he told us and sighed with relief

"Does that mean he'll live ?" Manuel asked with concern

"We don't know that yet for sure, but the chances of him living are more than before.. he's desperate to fight for his life.."he told us.. I was trying to calm down even a little

"We understand, doctor," said Paige cowardly.. her cheek was still red from the slap I gave her hours ago

"Is there any of you to have a blood group AB rhesus negative? he will need blood he has lost too much" asked the doctor and there was silence for a few minutes

"Me" I heard Dean's voice I turn and looked at him

"I have AB negative.. I'll give blood," he said and got out of his chair I looked at him

"Dean" I only got to say and he looked at me with love

"If he's gonna be saved, I'll do whatever it takes.. all I want is for you to be happy, and if he makes you happy, I'll save him.. he doesn't deserve this end. you don't deserve this end " he smiled at me and hugged me.. I hugged him tight.. Then he left with the doctor. we all stayed outside and waited.. Ashley looked at me..

"He's sorry.. he understand that Colby loves you, " she said, smiling

"Yes he wants to save his life" I said and after several hours I smiled a little

"He wants to see you happy.. Little girl, it's gonna be okay now.. you'll see. this Christmas we will all spend together and Colby will be with us" Ashley smiled and I nodded

"I have to go to Audrey and see if she's okay. I know Alexa's there, but I want to see her for a while. and then go to Pamela" I told her and she nodded

"I'll wait for you here."Ashley smiled at me.. I came down to see my daughter.. she hugged her teddy bear and she was sleeping peacefully.. I got close and kissed her hair Alexa looked at me smiling

"I brought you clean clothes to to take off the bloody ones, and change" she said to me softly and I looked at her

"Thank you very much, Alexa.. and for coming and for the clothes and staying with my little girl tonight," I told her and she smiled

"What are you talking about? I know how hard it is and how worried you are about both of us.." I said she gave me the bag and I changed my clothes..

"What do doctors say?"she asked me

"That he's not out of danger but that they've managed to stop the bleeding.. Dean has gone to give blood," I told her

"You look calmer," she said

"I just want to believe that in the end he'll live," I told her and she nodded..

"He'll live. he loves you too much to leave you," she told me..

"Thank you for the courage, Alexa" I embraced her..

"Go upstairs.. I'll stay with your little one tonight" she smiled at me and kicked me out of the room..

I went upstairs.. I opened the door to a room slowly.. Pamela was awake, sitting there watching TV when she saw me, she smiled at me..

I hope to enjoy the chapter.. If you like it vote and comment on it!  I wanna thank every single one of you for all the love and support.. you give me strength to continue writing.. And thank you once again for not being harsh on me when I'm making some mistakes.. As i have already told English are not my mother language and this is important for me.. Kisses! XOXO!

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