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Rebecca's Pov

I was getting ready to go over to Colby's house when the bell rang..I opened the door in a hurry. Tony was in front of me.. I looked at him strange..

"Good evening, Tony. What are you doing here ?"I asked with Wonder

"I wanted to see you.. are you going out?"he asked me in a great tone

"Yes, I have to go somewhere" I said..I felt uncomfortable

"With Audrey ?" he keep asking questions

"Not, alone" I answered him annoyed

"Are you going on a date ?"he asked me when he sounded a little angry

"No, I have a visit to go to" I answered him trying to avoid other questions

"To whom ? because if you're going to your brother I can drive you there" he said

"Wherever I want to and I don't want anyone to take me I drive if you remember" I said apparently annoyed he caught me with strength from arm

'Are you going out with that fucking bastard Colby, Becky?"he asked me angry

"I will go out with whoever i want to, Let me go," I said,

"You're getting involved with him again.. why damn it ? why? what more he has than me? I was next to you 4 years when he left you for another woman" he yelled at me

"It's my fucking business where I go and what I do I won't ask for your or anyone else permission" I shouted and shook my hand freeing it from his

"You won't go to him, I won't let you mess with him again" he told me

"I'm gonna do whatever i want Tony I'm a big woman and yes I'm gonna go to Colby's house and If i want to have sex with him again I will do it , if i want to be with him again I will do it and it's none of your fucking business, do you understand? he's the father of my child and I love him "I yelled at him. and at that moment something happened that I didn't expect it.. he slapped me and stared at me in a frenzy

"If you dare say a word to him about Audrey you will pay it very expensive do you understand?"he said angry.. he left closing the door behind him and I stayed for a little while in shock...

I looked at my friends, looking at me frozen.. Neither of them could believe it..

"Wow, when did this happen?" Ashley asked after a while

"Last night before I went to Colby," I told them

"So he hit you?"Paige asked without being able to believe it

"Yes.. he has changed the last few months" I told them and they looked at me

"All right, you're right that you don't want him to know that you told Colby about the kid" Ashley  agreed

"I still can't believe it, but Tony? our friend?"Paige asked again

"I don't believe it either, only I don't want any of the boys to know anything about that" I begged them

"Shouldn't I tell your brother something?to talk to him?"Paige asked me

"Are you insane? of course you won't say a word," I said intensely

"Okay, chill I'm not gonna say a word," she said, raising her hands

"Neither do you to Manuel and I don't want Colby to know anything" I said

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