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Rebecca's Pov

I rushed into Tony's café and started talking nonstop and apologizing for my late.. When I heard my name from two men's voices.. One of them was definitely Tony's the other one though.. No.. no definitely not.. It couldn't have been that voice..I turn my gaze and I froze.. It wasn't possible, it could not be happening.. It was Colby, and he was right in front of me.

"Colby" I mumbled trying to realize that he was right in front of me.. I held by the counter next to me..

"Are you ok?" Tony asked anxious

"Yes.. Yes, I'm fine.. Only.. I just want a glass of water, "I said with difficulty.

"Rebecca, is that you?" he asked while he stared at me from up to down

"Yes.. Yes I am " I managed to say.. Tony gave me a glass of water.. I drank

it and I took a deep breath.. Tony looked at me anxious

"I'm fine, don't worry." I told him smiled.. Then I looked at Colby

"You've changed" he said while he was starring me

"Nothing stays the same, Colby, everything changes" I replied somehow cold

"You are beautiful" he said smiling

"I do what I can.. What are you doing here? "The question slipped from my lips

"I came for work," he said reluctantly.

"You're getting married I learned.. Congratulations. "I said calmly

"Thank you... You? Did you marry? "he asked me in agony

"No, but I'm working on it." i replied while looked at Tony

Yes.. It was a pleasure to see you again, "he told me and I laughed.

"Don't lie, Colby, Tony? are you done yet?I don't want us to miss our reservation and the truth is that I'm starving "i said with a cute smile

"Noo I'm turn off the coffee maker and we can go" he replied while he gave Colby's coffee

As he was paying for his coffee I was starring him.He hadn't changed at all.. He was handsome and hot.. I Felt my heart beating louder and faster in every gaze he gave at me... And my mind turned to that day.. The day I met him for the first time

Colby's Pov

When I saw her, I froze up. I haven't seen her, I haven't even thought about her.. No, no, that was a lie. Every day I thought about her.. I watched it from top to bottom again and again...She looked beautiful in her dress and with high heels she was very delicate.. she looked so hot..I couldn't believe it. And I saw that idiot Toni staring at her. I felt angry, the blood boiling in my veins.. I didn't know why that bothered me so much.I'm supposed to be in love with Lana, and we're going to get married. And yet.. I was jealous.. I was very jealous,.. I started talking to her .. She cold but always polite.. I got my coffee from that idiot and I looked at her..

"It wasn't a lie Becky it was really nice to see you again," I said calmly.

"Rebecca" She corrected me

"Rebecca. You look very good in that dress "I replied smiling

"Everything looks good on her." Tony said.. I squeezed a little the coffee in my hand. I wanted to punch him in the face

"I know you don't have to tell me," I told him annoyed.. For the next few minutes prevailed silent.. Without wanting to, I started to remember. That day I saw her for the first time..

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