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The next morning had already arrived.. The cold In Iowa was terrible the temperature many times touched points below zero..Some times the snow was too much.. and know we where in the middle of winter about two and a half weeks before Christmas...

Colby's Pov

After my lousy flight delay, I was finally on my way home. The trip from New York where I've been living for the last four years has been exhausting.The flight was delayed I had to travel on a simple flight because it had no business class and I was feeling nauseous that I was here again.. I wasn't happy about it.. I haven't missed this place at all.. My work and the announcement of my marriage to my parents they forced me to return..I had come without Lana.. She was left behind in New York to make the arrangements for the wedding.

I took a cab and asked him to take me to my house. I had bought a fairly comfortable and large apartment so I could stay when I come here.. My old house was still closed.. When I arrived on my apartment i Left my bags, I got my briefcase, and started a quick ride in the city. I stopped by my old house. it was mine and I had long been thinking of selling it or rent it.. I pulled the keys out of my pocket, unlocked and opened. I did some steps.. And I joined the Little Lounge.

The smell was still here.My body shuddered on this perfume..I haven't smelled it in years.Vanilla and caramel.. Her perfume..She always wore this.. Everything in here was the same.. Nothing had changed.. The furniture, the clean house..I took my steps to the main living room.At the table was still a picture of us..I haven't been thinking about her in years. Ever since I left, I haven't thought about her not even once. I didn't even hear about her.. how her life was or what she was doing. I kept the dusty picture on my hands and some memories came to my mind..

I walked into the house after work. She was sat on the couch, with her hair held on a messy ban, she wore her glasses and she was reading.. She was wearing my t shirt and actually she was soo hot.. That view has turned me on.... Her perfume, I always liked that.. Discreet and beautiful.. As she was..I got closer...She was focused on her reading and she didn't listen to me coming.. I approached the couch, pulled her back and kissed her. She responded to the kiss.. We were kissing for several minutes and when we stopped she smiled at me.. Oh.. God I love her smile..

"What are you doing here babe?" she asked me

"Rebecca Its already 8 pm.. my shift is over" i smiled back at her and i sat on the couch..

"Really? I had no idea.. i was reading she smiled while she hugged me..

""Mmm, are you writing a lesson tomorrow?" I asked her and she nodded affirmative

The last one and then patience hoping that I would get a degree" she mumbled

"Everything's going to be all right, you'll see" I smiled to give her courage

"As long as I have you here yes.. everything it's gonna be ok.." she said

"Mmm, have I told you that my clothes look way more better to you than me?" I asked with a smile while I was laying her on the couch.. She wrapped her legs around my waist..

"Aren't you tired?" she asked with her eyes closed

"Not" I replied while I was kissing her neck, she moaned

"Aren't you hungry?" she mumbled..

"We'll eat later" I mumbled in her neck, caressing her thighs.

"Colby" whispered and she pulled off my T-shirt while I was pulled of hers..,

I shook my head and I threw the photo on the couch.. I don't even know why I chose to remember that night. I took a cursory look at the house. It was in good condition.. The time had come for this house to be sold.. I had decided to shut down once and for all that so far he tied me with Davenport.I would ask my parents to come with me and I would never return to this misery again. I left the house.. The cold here was unbearable.. I was walking the streets that already had start to decorate them for Christmas...

Rebecca's Pov

It was a cold winter morning.. Luckily it was Saturday and I wasn't working.. I never work on weekends.. I've been dedicating weekends to my daughter..Today has come my brother's future wife Paige to discuss some final details about their marriage that was only 2 weeks away.. My little angel was watching her favorite cartoons while she was drinking her milk, while we were discussing..

"Rebecca" she told me somehow serious

"What's wrong?" i asked her curious

"I really don't wanna be rude or to be involved in your personal life but.. you have to go on a date with Tony (Cesaro)" she finally said and i looked at her shocked

"To do what?" i asked her again

"You have to go on a date with Tony" she said once again and i laughed

"And why i have to go on a date with him?" I asked while i was laughing

"Because if you don't go out with him, i would not have sex with your brother like, ever again" she said furious and i stated laughinh hystericly

"And that's because..?" i asked as i was trying to calm down

"Because 10 days now he is trying to find a way to talk to you about it.. big brother's concern.. he is afraid that you gonna end up alone" she replied..yeah it was funny but.. at the same time it was sweet that my brother was worrying about me..

"And what you thinking about it?" i asked her..

"I have already told you Becks..No one can force you to do something you don't want you to.. but.. its a shame wasting your life especially for someone like Colby,. you don't deserve that..You are young beautiful wealthy and the main thing.. Tony loves Audrey.. he cares about her like a father.."She told me.. i just look at her..I stay in silent for couple of minutes..

The truth is that Tony and Dean are best friends since i can remember.I always saw Tony like a big brother not the other way around..even though that for a few months now he is flirting me..And If Paige was right about something was that Tony loves Audrey, and he is always by my side when I need him..Maybe it was worth it to give him a chance and the date he wants so much..I looked Paige..

"Ok" i said after few minutes

"Ok what?' she asked

"I'm gonna go to that date with Tony, maybe he is the right for me.. the man that i can create a family" I said and she smiled at me

"Maybe with him you will finally find your prince for your fairytale and your happy ending" she said and I smiled

"I'm not doing it for that" i said with a smirk 

"But?" she asked me with a raised eyebrow

"To stop my brother complaining and you have finally some sex" I said and we both burst in laughter

So here is the 3ed chapter.. I hope you like it.. and finally we saw Colby.. We will have more colby on the next chapter.. Tell me about what do you think about Rebecca and Cesaro.. Do you believe that their date is gonna work? or something will happen? I hope you like it..read it vote it comment and enjoy it. till the next chapter.. Kisses. XOXO!

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