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I was ready, I put on my coat and set off for his place.. I've been so nervous all along. I was almost shaking.. I hadn't seen him in 4 years, talked to him, and what I had to say to him would change both our lives once and for all.. I arrived outside his apartment, rang the bell and waited.. The minutes seemed endless until he opened the door. I was stunned.. he was more handsome than ever. The white shirt with his black pants looked great on him

"Colby ? can I come in?"I asked anxious he took a step back so i could get in

"Come on in, Rebecca." I took my coat off..

"Um.. am I bothering you? I know I came without informing you" I said while I was rubbing my hands with each other

"No, no, I was working.. come on in.sit down. can I offer you something?"he asked me politely when he seemed embarrassed

"Yes.. something about alcohol" I told him and sat on his couch He put in two glasses of tequila.. one for me and one for him and sit beside me

"So what brings you to my door?"he asked me.. before I answer, I had a big sip of tequila

"I need to talk to you about something, Colby," I told him and he looked at me

"I hear you," he said, drinking a sip of his drink.

"There's something you don't know.. I've never told you, "I told him, a took a deep breath.. he looked at me..

"Has something happened? you look very nervous relax " he tried to tell me

"Yes, there is something..I want to tell you" I told him, but i stopped when my phone start ringing. i pulled it out of my bag the looked and I ignored it

"You want to pick it up first?"he asked me nicely

"No, Its Tony.. I'm gonna call him later" I told him while I had another sip of my drink

"Is something going on between you?"he asked. he sounded annoyed

"No.. at least not yet.. "I answered him without thinking.. the cell phone kept ringing

"Maybe its important that's why he keep calling you"he said while he was drinking his drink

"No.. No matter what he wants, he can wait , what I have to say is more important than anything else "I told him and I switch off my cell phone.

"Fine, tell me what it is?"he asked me and I looked at him

"Close yours too please" I asked him kindly and nodded

"Done. No one will disturb us tell me, " he said..I took a deep breath

"Colby, There's something you don't know" I started

"Will you tell me what it is?"he asked, he looked cool unlike me that i was nervous.... I drank at once what was left of tequila and looked at him

"The night we broke up, I had something to tell you.. but I didn't tell you after all.. remember?"I asked him

"Yes. in fact, you told me it wasn't important, " he told me and I nodded

"Yeah, except it was important," I finally told him

"Hey, are you gonna tell me or are you gonna bust me?"he asked me smiling.. God, I missed that smile.. how handsome he was

"That night I wanted to tell you that I stopped for a while and looked at him

"What?"he asked me looking deeply into my eyes

"I was pregnant," I finally said.. I looked at him

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