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Becky's Pov

The day passed relatively fast.. At noon I took Audrey from kindergarten and went to eat somewhere outside.. At 5:00, we had a date with Charlotte at Tony's café to try out her little dress for Dean's wedding. She was thrilled to be her aunt's bridesmaid. She Loved Paige as much as Paige loved Audrey.. We were sitting at the table eating her pizza,she loves pizza just like her father did.. was his favourite food.

"How was school today Audrey?" I asked her as i looked at her

"Good mommy I made a nice painting" she was smiling happy while she was eating slowly her pizza slice

"Do you want to show it to me?" I asked her smiling

"It's in my bag, mommy" She smiled, I opened her bag and I took the painting and opened it and I looked at it

"What's this Audrey?" I asked her not that I didn't understand.

"This is you, this is me and this is daddy," she said smilig a little.. I looked ath her...

It was the first time she ever mentioned her father.. And she found the moment.. Never until now she has mentioned him.. Not even once.. Even as a baby she didn't said the word "Dad." She wasn't seeing him. I was shocked somehow but I didn't show it.. I watched her stop eating...

"What's the matter, little angel?" I asked her curious.

"Mom?" asked reluctantly

"What's the matter, Angel?"

"Why don't I have a dad like my friends?" she asked me and felt like someone punch me in the stomach.

"Not all kids have daddy Baby" I told her without show her how upset i was

"Did I do something and I don't have him?" she asked me as she was looking at me. Oh fuck... Those big, beautiful eyes made me melt. Same as his.. Only her own was more wistfully

"No, baby, it's not your fault," I told her and I kissed her head.

"Then why don't i have a dad?" she asked me and she looked at me ready to cry

I had to do something and fast to make her forget about it. I knew what she needed.

"So beautiful we will eat here our food and then we will go to Uncle Tony and Ashley and Manu will bring you your dress for Uncle Dean's Wedding" I told her and immediately smiled

"Really?" she asked

"And I'll let you wear it for a while and play" I laughed and she gave me her most beautiful smile..

During the entire meal I was thinking the words of my daughter, she was wanting a father. She was growing up with her godfather, her uncle, Tony, but it wasn't enough. She needed a father.. And her father was alive. And he was here, and maybe it was time to know about her. Maybe I should have talked to him about the kid.. I didn't know what his reaction would be, but Ashley was right.. Colby had to learn.. I had to talk to him immediately...

Two hours later, we were at Tony's coffee shop in the back and with Ashley we dressed Audrey.. Tony was in front serving his costumers I stood up and I looked at her.. She was beautiful in her white little dress.. I wore her a plastic tiara in her hair and I smiled

"Do you know you look with a princess?" I told her and she smiled at me

"But I'm a princess mom," she corrected me and I put her down from the chair I had elevated her to dress her up

"I know that you're my baby" I smiled at her

"Can I play a little with a little while as I'm dressed like that mom?" she asked me with puppy eyes and I couldn't help but to resist..I nodded yes..

At the beginning Audrey was playing on the couch next to me and Ashley... I sat down next to her and we looked at each other

"What's wrong, Rebecca?" she asked me

"She spoke to me about her father," I said, desperate.

"You know that at some point it would happen Becks," Ashley told me.

"I just didn't expect it and.. I was shocked "I told her

"Whenever she told you, you would have this reaction is absolutely natural" she told me and I looked at her

"What am I going to do Ash?" I asked her desperate.

"Talk him," she told me I looked at her

"I.. I.. I can't, I don't want to, "I told her and she look at me strictly.

"You have to do that.. And you have to do it while he's here, "she told me and maybe she was right. Maybe it was time to talk to him about our daughter

Colby's Pov..

I had just finished my meeting with the Real estate agent, to sell the house I once lived with Rebecca.. I showed him the house and he liked it. Tomorrow we had another appointment to come to a good deal.. And now it was time to find out what was up with Rebecca and that jerk Tony. I was on my way to his coffee shop. It was quite close and I arrived quickly.. I pushed the big door and I came in.. The shop was almost empty... The first thing

I noticed it was a little little girl in a white bridesmaid dress...She looked cute..Sooo cute.

"Uncle Tony, I'm a princess." i heard her scream happily

"I know, little girl," he said to her. The girl was running in the shop.. She stepped on her dress and fell on me.She gave me a shy look when I got on my knee to look at her

"Are you all right, little girl?" I asked her with my voice calm

"Yes well I'm not hurt" she smiled at me.. I lifted her in my arms

"You have to be careful when you run with it. you could have been hit bad" I told her. Felt something strange about this little girl... She warm my heart..I left her very carefully to her feet.. Tony was observing us..He was having a strange expression on his face

"Audrey my come and to get you out of the dress, we don't want to get dirty "I heard a voice.. I raised my head and saw Rebecca... I was still holding the small hand.. She turned her head and smiled at her.

"A little more momy" she told her with a playful smile as she ran into her arms... Becky put her in her hands and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek..

"That's enough for today princess.. after Uncle Dean's wedding you'll wear it all you want" she told her but I could understand the bewilderment in her voice.

Did she have a child? When? How? Why? And the main thing with whom.. What the hell is going on here?

Thank you for 1K views and almost 100 votes to my story..

Ohhh and here is the 8 chapter of my story.. I hope you like it.. and finally Colby met his daughter.. for the first time.. but how Rebecca is going to react in that? Doy you believe that Rebecca is going to tell him the truth so soon?  And why Tony was observing them? And will he be able to leave Iowa as he told Lana or we will have changes of plans? any ideas? If you like it.. vote and comment..Till the next chapter kisses XOXO..

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