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Colby's Pov

Becky left and I stayed home with my daughter.. I had a unique opportunity to spend time with her. Start learning her habits. get to know her better.. I turned my phone off.I didn't want to be disturbed. I consider moments with my child the most precious..

"Well, little girl, you're gonna drink your milk, you're gonna eat your banana, and then we're gonna play," I told her, and she smiled at me

"Do I have to drink my milk?"she asked me with a coy smile

"Yes you must, to grow up" I told her and tickled her tummy

"Oof fine" I gave her the bottle with her milk.. I smiled..

"Good girl" I smiled and kissed her head

"Shall we go see my room ?" she asked me and got away from my arms

"Let's go" I got up.. she gave me her hand and I caught it.. I smiled and she led me to her room..

We're in.. it was a beautiful room, the walls were pink and Lilah her mother's favorite colors.. I smiled when she emptied the basket with her toys in front of me..

"So what do we play with?"I asked her and sat with her on the carpet

"With my dolls" she screamed happy and sat between my legs..

We started playing.. I had as much fun as she did.. I untied my man bun and he looked at me.. I looked at her..

"Dad ?"he asked me with a coy smile..she reminds me of her mom

"What's beautiful?"I smiled

"I'm tired of this game, can we play something else?"she asked and looked at me

"What do you want to play?"I asked her

"I'll give you pigtails like I do at uncle Manuel" she smiled and stood up.. I laughed..

"Whatever my girl wants," I smiled.. I've been better... she took a brush and started combing my hair with steel.. she was laughing.. I gave her my hair band and she was trying to give me her favorite pigtails.. I didn't care about anything.it was adorable.. Then she took some of her mom's cosmetics to put some make up on me.. I smiled.. when she was done, she let me see the result..

I was funny, but it was adorable.. I took a picture to show Becky.. my daughter's smile when I looked at her was probably the best thing I'd ever seen in years..

"Are you happy, kiddo?"I smiled and she fell in my arms

"Yeah, I made you pretty" she laughed.. I started tickling her and she laughed hard.. she made it out of my arms. I got up and went to blow my face off and get my hair done, looked at the time. it was almost noon I entered her room again

"What do you say, Audrey, are you hungry ?"I asked her and she nodded

"Yes, I'm hungry." she laughed

"Can we make something to surprise mom ?"I asked and he stood up immediately she ran to me

"Yes, we can cook for her" I smile, I lift her up in my arms and put her on my shoulders.. we were going to the kitchen.. we came in and I made her sit on the bench

"What will we make to eat?"I asked her

"Pizza" she laughed with her and I

"Do you like pizza?"I smiled at her as sweet as I could

"A lot but Mom Says No" she laughed

"Mm yes but it won't be a problem if it is homemade" I smiled at her

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