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Colby's Pov

I got better comfortable on the couch and looked at her.. I finally had to tell her the whole truth about me, how I got into trouble with Lana and what role Tony played in it. I took a deep breath. I was looking at her.

"Will you tell me or what ?" she asked me impatient

"I'll tell you.. "I laughed and she hit me in the arm

"Talk" she said more strictly

"Okay, do you remember that time I was working at the cafe when we were together and I was struggling to open up the law firm" I started to tell her and she looked at me she nodded

"Of course I remember it was just before we broke up" she pointed

"Yes..that's how I met Lana.. she came as a customer to the cafe" I told her and looked at me

"I know and she offered you the job in her dad's office where the company was still here and you took the job and started becoming another person, until you finally left me," she said bitterly I looked at her

"It's not like that," I told her and she looked me in the eyes

"And how exactly is it?"she asked me with a steady voice

"I started working at the office, explained to them that I was engaged and going to a wedding.. her father respected it so he paid me well. I wasn't dazzled by luxury, I went there to work.I told him I was in love with you that I loved you that he wanted to meet you to make sure we had a nice future, she didn't understand it. she kept flirting with me until at some point she threatened to kill you if I didn't leave you.. lack.. I didn't want to play with your life, Rebecca.. for mine, I didn't care, but your life?, it was more important than mine. It wasn't easy for me either to come and tell you that I stop loving you. Telling you I don't love you was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life," I told her.. she looked at me in shock..

"Go on," she said in whisper

"Then we left for New York..I didn't want her.. I didn't want the wedding either.. I didn't want anything.. but Lana got her hands on my police record," I told her.. she looked at me

"The.. what ?"she hesitated to ask

"My police file.. In one of our fights,I was drunk and I got into a car accident.. In the police record, it looked like I was the driver. someone died that night.. Lana found the file and started blackmailing me.. the matter was covered up without going to trial.they covered it up somehow.. So she started blackmailing me that if the wedding doesn't happen, she'll give the file in the authorities and I'll go to trial," I said she Hold my hand

"And now you're not afraid she can blackmail you with it?"she asked me slowly

"No.. because when I talked to Roman, I found out I was so drunk I wasn't driving.. Tony was the driver, he was the killer and he threw it at me.. And I generally found out Tony was responsible for our breakup," I told her

"Colby wait, because you're driving me crazy. you broke up with me. How did Tony do this? we can blame him for what he's done, not for things he hasn't done, " she said to me strictly

"Tony brought Lana to the store and I met her, he made her hitting up on me, blackmailed me into killing you to broke up with you, he handed over the file. he was obsessed with you. He thought if I got out of the way he'd have a chance to look at him, to be together.."I told her in the end

"And maybe if you didn't come back I would give him a chance, you see, he looked so nice. he got along with Audrey, too.. I can't believe what I've heard," she said with difficulty.. I gave her a glass of water

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