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The week went pretty fast for Rebecca and Colby.. They were on the run to help Dean and Paige with their marriage and they always found time to spend with their daughter to create some beautiful family moments.. Colby was always worried about what Tony can do but never showed it at Rebecca.She in the other hand now that he was with them she felt safer and more calm than ever.. She felt safe and secure for both her and their child..

The bachelor party for both of them took place in peace tones.. Paige spent the night at Becky's house with Ashley and Alexa and the boys Roman Manuel, Colby and Dean at Dean's House.. nothing too extreme for no one.. The morning the girls were up early. They had come hairdressers, make-up, manicurists to prepare them for wedding ceremony.. The hours seemed endless for Paige.. for the boys had more fun after they hit each other the

"What do you say, Dean, she will come or she is gonna change her mind the last moment?"Manuel laughed and asked

"She's not marrying you, she's marrying me she's coming, you idiot" he told him he was upset

"You got a lot of nerve, groom" Colby said, laughing

"When you get married, let's see how nervous and stressed you're gonna be" Dean was nervous

"Well let the time come first and I'll be flying with joy" Colby answered

"You will be happy but us? you asked us if we are gonna be happy?"Dean answered him

"Hey, take it easy, please," said Roman in order they don't start fighting

"He's right, man.. day of joy today for all of us, " said Manuel

"We're not fighting, we're just teasing each other," Dean said and he took a sip of water

"Yeah, man.. we talked and we're okay, " Colby told them..

"Nice.. why don't we go slowly and get ready? the time is 5 we only have two hours at our disposal," Roman told them and they agreed..

They start to getting ready.. They had their costumes on Dean's house.. on the other hand, at Becky's house there was  panic., Paige was pretty nervous and they were trying to make her forget about it

"how was that week you spent with Colby and Audrey?"Ashley asked curious

"I don't know what to tell you guys.. like nothing changed. I feel calmer than ever" Rebecca smiled

"You look calmer, you shine full" Alexa pointed

"But it's not my day today" she correct them

"That's right, it's Paige's day." Ashley smiled.

"Yes.. and I'm nervous, we won't make it, " said Paige nervous.. Rebecca laughed

"We got two hours, Paige.. we're done with our hair and girls will start preparing yours don't worry.. and what if you set him up for a couple of minutes?" Alexa laughed

"I'm in a hurry to be Mrs. Ambrose" Paige replied

"So much love for my brother?"Rebecca laughed

"Let's see when you get married what you do" Paige answered

"Party" Rebecca answered and they burst out laughing..

Two hours for both sides really passed too fast.. The boys gone for the church. Roman Manuel and Colby to Rebecca's house to take theirs wifes and Dean for the church.. Alexa and Ashley they were waiting for their men downstairs while

Rebecca was upstairs with Paige.. Colby opened the door and saw her.. he stayed speachless

"Wow.. you are.. you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" he smiled at Rebecca.. her cheeks came right up red

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