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Rebeca's Pov

I came back home, and I went straight to bed.. I managed to sleep barely 5 hours. I opened my eyes and it was 1 noon. I came in to taking quick shower. The hot water fell on my body and relaxed me. I went out and started getting dressed. I dried my hair I put on my jacket I took my car and left for the hospital again. That's where I'm supposed to be all the time. Traffic was minimal. I got to the hospital pretty fast..First I went to see my daughter in her room.. I got in. she was sitting with Alexa and they playing.. I smiled at the view.. Alexa is gonna be a really great mother

"Mommy" she yelled happy and she done grabby hands for a huge.. I hugged her

"Baby"I hugged her carefully and kissed her head

"Daddy?"she asked I took a deep breath

"Dad's in another room, he's not very well but once he's be alright he will come see you" I said to her softly and kissed her hair

"I'm playing with Aunt Lexi here.. but I want to go home" she said grumpily

"I know, angel, you'll be home soon.. wait a minute I'll talk to Aunt Lexi, okay?"I smiled at her and left her careful in her bed.. I made sign to Alexa and we stood at the edge of the room in front of the window

"What about Colby? is he conscious?"she asked me

"Not yet.. they took him out of surgery he's in a room in intensive care unit.. my soul hurts, Lexi," I told her and she looked at me

"What happened?"she asked me worried

"Seeing Colby intubated Alexa hurts me so much.. and I'm scared.. I'm so scared, " I told her and I looked at her. She caress the back

"I understand you. you have no idea how much. I went through the same thing when Roman got into the hospital, shot in the arm and he didn't even in deep sleep.. he was conscious and all and yet I felt devastated," she told me with understanding. Alexa could understand me more than the others.. with a man as a cop his life was always on a tightrope and she was always worried about his security

"I know, Lexi, and I really can't thank you enough for what you doing for me.. I'll owe you for that," I told her and I looked at her at eyes, she looked at me

"Don't be stupid, Becks.. it's my pleasure.. you need support and help with the kid, I'm here. so don't say it again" she smiled

"Did her doctor come by?"I asked her in agony

"Oh, he did some tests on her and said that tomorrow she could get out of the hospital. if you want I can take her home when sign her exit ticket and stay there" she smiled at me gently/. she was always so sweet

"Yes, I'd appreciate it, but Roman? won't that be a problem?"I asked restless

"Roman is on duty on a murder case and two nights he won't be home" she said and smiled

"Okay, Lexi, thank you very much." i smiled

"Go and see Colby and come back in a little while" she sad..

"Audrey, I'm gonna go check on dad and I'll be back.. you sit with aunt Lexi, okay?"I told her softly and she nodded

"Give daddy a kiss for me and tell him that I love him so much" she said playfully.. I could feel my eyes tearing up.

I nodded and came out quickly from her room before I burst into tears. Still the 24 hours had not passed to know if Colby will live.. How would I explain to a little girl that now that she found her father she must learn to live without him because someone decide to kill him? I slowly gone up on his room. Outside of it, it was the doctor.. I approached him in a hurry

"Doctor? what happened to him?"I asked anxiously

"His condition is stable.. "he told me serious

"That's good, right?"I asked real anxious

"Yes..his body shows he's responding to the treatment, and it's getting better and better.."he said to me and I sighed relief

"Thank God" I mumbled

"Do you want to see him?"he asked me nicely

"Yes.. I want to see him" I told him without thinking about it

"Come in, but not for long. besides he doesn't understand he's in some deep sleep" he told me and I looked at him

"I don't care.. I know he's listening to me, " I said, with almost a little sobbing on my voice.. he nodded and let me pass without say something else..

I went into the room. Everything around here was dark.. and quietly.. almost dead silence.. All you could hear was his heartbeat that counted on the machine and his low breath that beat the mask they had put on his face.. That view was tearing me apart.. I couldn't take it.. I stood in front of the bed and before I knew the first tears were already pouring out of my eyes. Now that the first panic had gone, the first worry has gone, now I realized what had happened. And now I knew it was my fault that Colby was in this state. Stand still in a bed, intubated, having taken two bullets into his body to protect me..

I barely made it to the chair next to him. I sat there without talking.. I could barely breathe and I looked at the machine.. their heartbeats were rhythmic and slow.. I shook my eyes to kept more tears from running, but it was pointless. I got my fingers tangled on his hands while with my other hand I caressed his hair ..

"You can't leave me alone, you have to wake up.. Christmas are near. And this Christmas and me and our daughter we want you with us..Audrey needs you, I don't want her to lose you now that she found you. I want you to see her grow up, spoil her,called her Princess, give her chocolate in secret and I will pretend that I don't know nothing about it, scolding me when I yell at her, watching her in your arms.. I want you to tell her fairytales so she can sleep. I want you to be a proud dad about her success, to watch football together and me grumble but to enjoying it. You're a wonderful father, the best father my baby girl could have.

And I need you too.. Not a day went that I didn't think about you. I never stopped loving you.. Thinking of you, missing you.. I want us to be together again.. To forget what happened and to go back to what we used to be. So we can make plans for our future as a couple, as parents.. as a family.. I want to be with you, to lie beside you, to embrace me at night, to caress my hair like you've always done and sleep in your arms. To sleep and wake up next to you, to stop our fights with a passionate kiss, making love.. To be happy..Please don't die, Colby. please.."I lay my head in to his chest and I breaking out in tears..

I cried for several minutes when I felt someone tightening my fingers.. I took a look at him.He had opened his eyes and his fingers were tightening mine..

"Don't cry" I heard him say under his medical mask in low voice

And Colby.. is back in life! And I'm waiting you comments and votes if you liked the chapter.. Untill the next chapter kisses.. XOXO!

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