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I opened my eyes this morning.. I looked at the time. the Watch showed 11 am. I didn't find him next to me.. But I didn't get up right away. I stayed in bed. I was wrapped in my sheet and I was thinking.. Last night I left myself in his arms.. I missed making love with him. I really wanted to, No, I didn't regret it.. I was just thinking about what's gonna happen with us from now on. I was afraid, I was too afraid he might leave me alone again.. That I might get hurt again. My logic was struggling with my heart. My logic tells me to hold a back up so I don't get hurt again, but my heart tells me to live it wherever it comes out.. I felt very, very confused. I puffed..i  heard the door open slowly almost quietly so my sweetheart wouldn't wake me up.. He walked in and looked at me and smiled..

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead." he smiled tenderly.. I laughed

"Good morning to you too" I smiled he sat in bed

"I didn't want to wake you up, you were very beautiful and peaceful" he kissed my forehead

"Thank you.. Audrey?"I asked as I sat with the sheet wrapped around me

"Mm in her school. last day today it was a shame not to go" he smiled

"Why last day?"I asked Curious

"Her teacher said they would close a few days early because the cold is too much and because it will snow more" he smiled

"Mmm good" I smiled

"I've made breakfast inside.. get up and go eat" he smile

"I'm not hungry enough," I mumbled..he looked at me..

"Becks, what's going on, honey ?"he asked me calmly

"I don't know.. I have a strange feeling.. a tightness in my chest ,in my stomach" I answered him worried

"Rebecca..did you regret about yesterday?"he hesitated to ask me.. I looked at him

"No, no, no.. I would never regret this" I took his hand, he sighed with relief

"For a moment I was afraid you'd regret it.. I didn't regret it," he told me for sure.

"I didn't regret it either, Colby.. 4 years I didn't let anyone else touch me.. I want you," I answered him.. he smile a little

"I'm glad, but you have to eat," he smiled at me..I put my hand on the back of his neck..

"Why are you taking so much care of me?"I asked slowly

"Because I love you" he answered..

I bit my lower lip., How many years I haven't heard that word.. I pulled him close and pressed my lips against his in a tender kiss.. He wrapped his wand around my waist and kept kissing at the same pace.. tender but at the same time passionate.. After a few minutes we stopped.. we smiled at each other..

"Come on, baby, get up you have to eat something." he insisted

"Really, Colby, nothing goes down" I tell him again..

"What exactly do you feel?"he asked me worried

"I don't know a knot in the stomach a worry.. I'm afraid something bad is going to happen, " I told him..he caress my cheek

"Take it easy, baby. what can happen ? everything will be all right" he tried to calm me down

"You think so?"I asked and looked at him.

"Of course I do. come on, get dressed and come inside you can't sit all day in bed" he smiled and got up..

He's out of the room.. I finally got up.. I took a quick shower and changed.. I wore one of his T-shirts and went out to the living room. I found him working on his computer. I approached him and hugged him from behind. He kissed my hand and smiled and pulled me into his arms..

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