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Rebeca's Pov

I opened the door to a room slowly.. Pamela was awake, sitting there watching TV when she saw me, she smiled at me..She made me a signal with her hand to come into her room.. I went in and looked at her.. I felt sad for her, too. I never thought Tony was such a bad guy. The bruises on her face made my stomach tighten.. I got close and sat next to her.

"How you feeling, Pam ?"I asked as I touched her hand

"Now I'm fine.. don't worry. How's Audrey?" she asked me anxiously

"Audrey's fine she is sleeping in hugs with her teddy bear" I smiled at her

"Colby?" she hesitated to ask

"Colby's still in surgery," I told her cowardly she shook my hand

"He is gonna be all right, little girl.don't worry.. he'll live you'll see" she said to give me courage

"Do you really believe this, Pam?"I asked her

"Yes.. he loves you too much to leave you alone" she smiled at me

"Dean gives blood.. I hope he gets over the danger," I told her..she touch my hand

"You'll see that everything will be all right.. just think positive " she smiled

"How are you? are you in pain?"I asked her worried

"I'm fine.. now I'm better than ever" she said and I saw her calmer

"How could you stay with him?"t he question slipped out of my lips without realizing it

"I loved him.. I knew he loved you, but I didn't mind.. he wasn't like that when I met him.. he changed"she told me and I looked at her

"How, how did this started?"I asked her

"One night he came home drunk, I said something to him, he slapped me and so it started, after that, it became a habit whether he was drunk or not," she said..

"And why didn't you leave ?"I asked her

"I couldn't, I was afraid.. I was afraid of him. but not anymore.. Roman said he'd come and take my statement tomorrow.. the nightmare is over, " she said with optimism.. I smiled a little

"Thank you for watching my little girl, thank you for calling and getting me out of hell," I told her looking her in the eyes

"I wouldn't let that psycho hurt a kid.. "she smiled at me

"I'll let you rest, relax, and I'll see you in the morning, okay?"I told her and she nodded..

"Let me know what's going on with Colby.. I owe him my life too.. if it wasn't for him, I'd still be there and probably dead, " she said and I nodded

"I'll let you know," I told her before I left her room..

I went back up to ER. Everyone was still outside.. I sat near Ashley and waited.. The time was exactly 7 o'clock when a doctor came out.. I stood up and looked at him.. I approached him.

"Doctor, what happened ?"I asked terrified

"Calm down.. it's okay. he's not out of danger yet, but he'll probably live," he told me.. I sighed with relief.. the news was finally good.

"For.. for real?"I asked with suspense

"He'll be out of surgery soon.he'll be in intensive care unit in a private room.. the next 24 hours will be critical.. but he'll probably live, " he said.. I began to feel more optimistic

"And when we will .. can see him?"asked Ashley

"Only one can see him.. it would be a good idea if he didn't get a lot of visitors until he's recovered.. I told you the next 24 hours would be critical.. "he told us..

"You go.. you must be near him now" Paige told me and caressed my back

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go.. when can I see him, Doctor?"I asked

"You'll be able to see him in a moment. he'll be transferred to a room.. but not for long.. he won't understand.. he's in deep sleep, " he said.. I just nodded..

The doctor went back in surgery.. Dean was staying in tonight, the gave him some juice for the blood he gave.. they moved him to a room and Paige ran to him. Ashley looked at me and hugged me.. I hugged her, too..

"Did you see ? he's gonna come out of there and he's alive, " she said, smiling

"Yes.. yeah, now I think he'll live.. he'll make it," I told her and finally I managed to smile a little..

"Everything's gonna be fine, star.. you'll see in a few days he'll be home" Manuel smiled at me and stroked my back

"Guys, thank you.. you passed over 72 hours without sleep" I told them and looked at me

"Don't be silly.. we're a family, Becky.."Manuel scolded me

"Really, thank you, you can go now to rest" i told them

"Don't you want us to stay here so you can have some company?"Ashley asked me

"No.. I want to see him and then I'll go to bed too.. I'm in pieces, " I said sighing with relief

"Yeah, baby girl, go get some rest you need it you've had a rough time" Ashley hugged me

"Can I ask you guys a favor?"I asked reluctantly.

"Don't ask.. we'll keep an eye on her until Colby gets out of hear" Manuel told me and I smiled

"Thanks.. good morning, " I laughed and I let them go..

I waited anxiously.. In the end, the doctor let me into the room where they had him for a while.. I lost it when I saw him..He was lying in a bed.. He was intubated. He was fighting for his life.. His heartbeat was weak, I could see them in the machine that had him hooked up. My legs were shaking.. I felt my tears running hot on my cheeks. I barely walked and sat in the chair next to him.. I touched his hand. I couldn't believe he was out of surgery, but he was still struggling to stay alive.. I raised his hand and kissed it.. I was crying..

"You can do it.. you have to make it.you owe it to our child and me to live..you're not leaving me alone, Lopez.. not now.. not now that I need you more than ever" I mumbled..

I caressed his hair..I was there for a while.. I was looking at him.. that's all I needed for now.. A nurse came in and asked me to leave.. I decided to go home.. I had to rest, and then I'd be back!

Here is you chapter! I hope you like it  if you do vote and comment! Untill the next chapter tomorrow kisses! XOXO!

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