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Becky's Pov

About 3 days later, Colby was out of the hospital and was here at home he felt better. In a few days it was Christmas.. I felt that he's hiding something from me, but this time it wasn't bad. I could feel it. And my sense was almost never wrong.. It was evening we'd just put Audrey to bed. He was sitting on the couch,I approached and sat near him, it was time to tell him the truth..

"Colby, can we talk for a second ?"I asked him.. I looked at him

"Of course.. what's the matter, baby?"he asked me worried

"We've decided to start over, Haven't we?"I asked hesitant

"Yes that's what we decided" he confirmed

"But I have to tell you something you don't know" I said reluctantly

"What's going on? you're scaring me, Rebecca," he said..

"It's not going to change anything in our lives I just think it's wrong that you don't know since I suspect even Lana knows" I told him..  and he looked at me

"What does Lana know and I don't?" he asked curious

"Something about Audrey," I told him.. his face got more serious

"Is something wrong with Audrey?"he asked me serious

"Not now.. but something happened with Audrey," I told him

"I hear you," he said... and I started explaining..

3 and a half years ago

Evening.. Ashley and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie, Ashley has been living with me since I entered the 9th month of my pregnancy.. I was trying to get comfortable on the couch but it was futile. I suddenly began to feel intense pain..

"Ashley" I said to her with difficulty she looked at me

"What? what's going on?"she asked worried

"I'm in pain" I told her while I squeezed my eyes out of pain

"Okay.. wait, I'll call your doc," she said worried.. Pregnancy it's never been easy to me from the beginning.it's been hard enough. It wasn't just the dizziness, the fainting, the vomiting.. Bleeding at regular intervals.There were days I had to sit to bed.. Days when I had to stay in the hospital..

"Ashley. better take my suitcase and the keys to the car" I barely told her

"Why?"she asked surprised

"My water broke," I told her before I left a sign of pain..

She obeyed and helped me get up and we gone down to the car..I went in and lay in the back seats. I was in pain I was trying not to pass it on to Ashley.. she was already enough upset.. She was driving relatively fast. The pain felt like it's getting stronger, and the contractions are getting more frequent.. I felt something wet to it runs on my legs.. I touched with my fingers and then I looked at them.. Blood.. I felt terrified until the moment we arrived at the clinic.. Ashley got out of the car came in and opened the door I looked at her

"Tell them to bring a stretcher.. I'm bleeding, " I said weak.. she turn white.. she ran and called a doctor..


In seconds the doctors had taken Rebecca to the emergency room incidents in the hospital's maternity ward.. Ashley called Becky's brother, Manuel, Tony and Roman with Alexa.. Soon they were all there.. The hours of waiting were endless.. at one point a doctor came out to inform them

"Doctor? did she have a baby?"Ashley asked anxiously while Manuel hold her shoulder

"Things are very difficult for her" said the doctor with disappointment

"What do you mean, doctor?"Dean asked with his breath cut out

"Are you family?"the doctor asked

"Her brother" Dean answered

"The father?"asked the doctor Tony went to say something but Manuel talked first

"He doesn't know they're not together" he said, and then the doctor looked at Dean

"Then you must make a decision," the doctor told him

"What decision?"asked Alexa as she approached them

"The girl is losing a lot of blood.. there is a danger that both will die, the hopes to live both are minimal, a caesarean count will kill them both instantly.. so you'll have to decide if things gona be difficult to choose which one lives.. the mother or the baby" the doctor said cold ..

Dean felt like losing the land under his feet.. He had to choose between his sister and his niece. Ashley hide her face on Manuel's chest, while Alexa embraced Roman as tight as she could.. Tony hit his fists against the wall whispering some insults about Colby.. Rebecca's life was hanging by a thread. The bleeding was incessant and their life was in danger. Dean had made his decision. He told the doctor that if they couldn't both be saved to save Rebecca.. The Labor lasted for hours.. it took almost 28 hours for Audrey to be born good and health. Turns out they both had more will for life than for death.. Happy smiles then flooded the hospital corridor when the doctor said they were both alive and that the only problem was that they were both a little bit weak..

Becky's Pov

"And in that why our daughter came to life," I said to him as I looked at him wipe away some last tears

"It's my fault.. if I hadn't left you nothing would have gone wrong in your pregnancy, " he said slowly.. I smiled, I stroked his cheek

"There could have been something wrong, Colby, even if you were here.. the only difference is that instead of my brother you would have taken the decision of which one of us would finally live," I told him and looked at him

"And all this to know how our daughter was born?"he asked me

"Well Kinda" I told him reluctantly I pulled my hand and bit it my lower lip

"Something else is still going on, isn't it?"he asked me and I breathed

"Yeah, there is one more thing," I told him cowardly

"Tell me, darling, what's going on?"he ask calmly

"There's a small chance I won't be able to have another child,

I want you to know that by now so you can make your decision and for you to be sure about it, I don't know if I can give you one more child and..."I didn't have time to complete my sentence, he stopped me with a tender kiss.. when the kiss stopped, he looked me in the eyes.

"With or without another child.. you're the love of my life, I love you more than my life and I'm not gonna leave you for anyone. if we can have other child it's okay, if not we have Audrey, and that's good enough for me.. "he told me to calm me down.. I smiled. I laid my lips on his on a passionate kiss.. After a few minutes, the kiss stopped.He looked at me and caressed my cheek..

"Okay, now it's my turn to tell you a few things. and you will be the one who's gonna make the decision whether to start over as a couple or if we'll just be Audrey's parents" he told me I looked at him

"I hear you, Colby," I told him and I waited!

So here is the next chapter.. and we learned how Audrey born. And lets just wait to see what he is hiding from her.. If you like it vote and comment.. The story is about to end in some chapters thats why i already started a new one.. I alreday post the 1 chapter.. the story called "When I found you..two" you can find it on my profile.. I hope you like it!! Untill the next chapter kisses! XOXO!

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