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After enjoying a nice breakfast had come the time to face the reality and this was none other than having to talk to the child their. And that was supposed to happen today. They took a breath and set off for Ashley's and Manuel's home.

Ashley and Manuel were a couple for several years..Yes, Colby was the one who introduced them since with Manuel had been friends for many years. So was Rebecca and Ashley, who've been friends since they were kids.. After many failed relationships for both their friends helped them get to know each other, and their relationship led to their marriage. It was already a year married and still in love. They've been together for 7 years.. They had become the Audrey's godparents and they both loved her.. And they both knew how much Rebecca still loved Colby and how much she wanted to talk to him about the kid their. They were both always by her side with nothing to worry about. Manuel is a buisnessman.. He owns his own restaurant. Ashley is beautician she owns a spa..

The ride from the cafeteria to Ashley's house was for both terribly stressful.. His fingers tightened nervously the steering wheel from agony while she seemed terribly nervous.

"Are you nervous?"she asked him, while she was observing him

"Of course I'm nervous, Becks.. I'll meet my daughter, " he said with the eyes on the road

"She'll like you." she said trying to calm him down

"How do you know that?"he asked her and looked at her for a moment

"Because I know our child.. I'm raising her" she answered him with certainty

"Yes, but here we will make her life upside down" he said

"But you're adorable and I'm sure she'll love you" she's smiling.

"I wish," he said. For a few minutes there was silence.. she broke it when they parked outside Ashley and Manuel's House

"Colby, do you really want to be a part of her life?" she hesitated to ask him he turned around and looked at her

"I want it more than anything.. our daughter is the most beautiful and real thing I have in my life, " he answered her, she nodded

"Okay, I think we should go and talk to her".. she said

They got out of the car and rang Ashley's doorbell. she opened the door and looked at them.

"Good morning?" she said between the answer and the question

"Good morning" they both told her at the same time

"Can I ask what you're doing here ?" she hesitated to ask

"Let us pass for a start," Colby told her

"Yes yes you're right, come on in."  she step aside and they came in. Rebecca looked at her

"Audrey ?" she asked her

"Inside she's making pigtails in Manuel" she replied and Rebecca laughed

"Again?" she asked her, laughing

"You know she loves that and Manuel doesn't screw up any of her favors." Ashley said

"Mmm I know he will be an excellent father" she looked at her with meaning

"Yes, my good man" she smiled

"Shall we tell her what we came for ?" Colby stopped them

"I suspect that you are here to take her," she said to him and he nodded negative

"No.. we'll talk to her and we want you in front," Rebecca said in a hurry

"Why ?" she ask with curiosity

"Why can't deal with it all alone ," Colby told her

"Right. come on, let's go to the living room," she said, and they all went to the living room together.

There Audrey was sitting on Manuel's lap trying to get him pigtails... when she looked up and saw her mama smile

"Mom, you're here." she run out of Manuel's arms to her mother

"Yes, Princess I'm here." she smiled at her and raised her in her arms. she left a kiss on her cheek

"Good morning, Mommy," she said and kissed her on the cheek.. she gave a look at Colby and he looked at her too

"Good Morning, little girl," he said.. she hid her face her mother's. neck she was shy

"Good Morning" Manuel said to them smiling

"Good Morning, Manu," Colby told him

"Don't stand there you can't say something like that standing up" Ashley told them and Manuel looked at her

"Say what ?"he asked with curiosity and Ashley nodded

"What you imagine" Rebecca answered him while she sat with Audrey in her hug.

"Here now ?"asked  surprised

"Here now. it will be better with you together for Moral Support" replied Colby while he sat next to Rebecca

"Audrey, this is a good friend of mine, Colby," she said to her caressing her back the little girl raised her little head that was still in her mom's neck and she looked at him she smiled at him

"Hello Audrey" he said to her calmly

"Hi," she told him shy and look at her mom

"Mom" asked her

"Yes, darling," she said

"Can I ask you something ?"she looked at her with her big eyes

"What ever you want" answered her tenderly

"Where's dad?" she looked her in the eye..no matter how much the question made her nervous they were here to talk to her about it..

"Well, Audrey, I have a surprise for you," Rebecca told her, and she placed her better in her arms

"What surprise?"she asked her smiling

"It's time to see your dad" she smiled at her

"Really?"asked her surprised

"really.. dad came back from his long trip and he wants to finally know you " she answered her

"And when can I see him?" she asked her in agony

"And now if you want to" Rebecca answered her laughing

"No.. I want to be beautiful when I see my dad wearing my dress" she smiled playfully

"But you're always beautiful, my love," Rebecca smiled

"I want daddy to like me," she said.. Colby was staring at her for a while.. Manuel it made him an nod to intervene

"I think Audrey he won't mind if you wear your pajamas" he said and she looked at him

"really?" she asked him and he looked at her

Really" he confirmed her

"How do you know?" she hesitated to ask him

"I knows because I'm your dad," He told her calmly.. and she looked at her mother confused

"Yeah he is your daddy" Rebecca confirmed.

Audrey looked at them.. once her mother and once the man standing against her. The stress paid all 4. No one knew how would react the little girl who will meet her father for the fist time.. They all are anxious for her reaction!

Hey hey hey.. I'm sorry that yesterday I didn't  udpate but I had to spend the day with my father cause taday he is gone to his trip he is sailor.. Later today i will post another chapter.. Untill then enjoy this one. Vote and comment and untill the next chapter kisses.. XOXO!Let me know what Audrey's reaction will be!

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