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Rebecca's Pov

We spent most of the day at Manuel and Ashley's House. Colby  drove us home. Audrey wanted him to put her to bed and tell her a story. I liked that she had liked her father so quickly and as weird as that was, I wasn't jealous. I knew how much she needed and how much she wanted a father and specifically her father, and now that she had him, i wouldn't took him away from her. Colby did take her to her room, put her in pajamas and put her on bed. He sat next to her, stroked her hair and told her one fairy tale until she fell asleep. I saw everything through the door. I smiled. He was a very loving father with his daughter and I liked that. I went back to the living room and sat on the couch. I looked at the clock against me.. in the wall it was 9.pm. After a while, Colby came in the living room he sat next to me

"What are you thinking?"he asked me smiling

"How quickly she bonded with you" I smiled

"Does it impress you?"he asked me

"Of course.."I answered him

"Why?"he asked me

"It's not easy to open up to the people around her.. she's a tough kid." I answered

"I'm not everyone.. I'm her dad so " he smile at me with pride

"You want something to drink ? "I asked before continuing the discussion

"No, I have to go in a while I have a job to do and I don't want to be drunk alcohol" he told me and I looked at him

"May I ask what your job is or am I crossing the line?"I asked dimensional

"I'll let you know as soon as I know. I'm not going to keep it from you, " he said easy

"Okay.. OK" I smiled reluctantly

"Rebecca," he said, and I looked at him

"Tell me" I answered him

"I want to make up for the time I lost with my daughter," he said, looking at my eyes

"Did you mean it when you told her you weren't leaving again?"I asked him quite a question

"Yes.. I'm not going back to New York again, " he said and I was confused

"You mean it" I said

" I Know.. there's nothing to keep me there, what I have is here" he answered me and I was surprised

"How do you say that? Your job is there, your law firm, the life that you've been doing the last few years, the woman you're going to marry. it's all there" I told him

"All the little things are there, but the important things are here," he said and hold my hand. I looked at our hands for a few minutes

"Do you think all this is unimportant?" I asked him as I was looking our hands

"Yes.. there's nothing more important than you and Audrey, " he told me certainty.. I knew he was telling the truth I could tell in his voice

"What about your marriage ?"I asked him as I bit my lower lip.. he caught me by the chin and he made me look at him..

"When I decide to get married again.. I'll only do it with you like we had planned, "he said .

"Don't you love her?"I asked him cowardly

"I've never loved anyone as much as you. it's just that sometimes there are things who force us to do some things we don't want to, " he told me

"You're not being very clear with what you're saying." i pointed

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