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Colby's Pov

The next morning, the Ringing Bell woke me up.. I got up and opened up in front of me was Manuel.. Ashley's husband and a good old friend..I looked at him

"Good Morning, Manuel, come on in." I told him and I pulled over

"Good Morning, did I wake you up?"he told me and came in while I closed the door

"Never mind.. aren't you working today?"I told him and I looked at him

"No, I wanted to talk to you about something," he said

"Do you want some coffee ?"I asked him

"Yes.. make" he said and he sat and I went to make coffee and a little later I came back with two mugs I sat across him

"So tell me what brings you here" I asked and I took a sip of my coffee

"I heard from Rebecca that you came," she said

"Yes, I'm here.. and um.. she came and found me last night " I told him and I left the coffee cup on the table

"And she told you..."he tried to say but I cut him off

"For my daughter yes she told me" I confirmed

"Well, what are you thinking of doing now ?"he asked me

"what am I gonna do?the right Manuel I'll recognize my daughter and be a proper father, for her" I told him

"Well, how do you actually do that if you don't live here?"he asked me

"Manuel, What are you asking me first thing in the morning ? I still haven't realized that i Have a daughter I haven't even met her" I told him

"MMM right.. how are you?"he asked me at the end

"I'm fine.. but I want to ask you something " I told him and he looked at me

"I hear" he said

"You know what's going on with Rebecca and that idiot Tony?"I asked

"Why do you ask?"he asked me with a raised eyebrow

"Because.. so I want to know" I answered very strongly

"I don't know.. he likes her a lot, but she doesn't seem to care.Dean wanted to find her someone so she wouldn't be alone and for Audrey to have a father now that he will marry, " he replied

"And he found him?"I asked annoyed.. I was jealous

"Yes.. but I do not agree" he answer and I looked at him strange

"Why?"I asked and he sat better on the couch and looked at me

"Something's wrong.. the guy's not clean, " he said and I looked at him

"What do you mean he's not clean?"I asked with interest

"Listen, something happened the other day and I didn't tell anybody, Ashley says I'm overreacting but something's wrong with him," he said Seriously

"What happened?"I asked

"I walked into the coffee shop one day and I heard a strange phone call.. he said that everything was going according to plan and that nothing would get in his way.."he looked at me

"Did he mean a business plan?"I asked but I didn't believe it

"No and here is my deepest concern" I looked at him curious

"What do you mean?"I asked him

"Come on, isn't it weird that Tony, who was a coffee clerk, suddenly found himself having his own coffee?"he asked me and I looked at him

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