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Rebecca's Pov..

6: 00 pm in the afternoon..

We're all in the waiting room of a frozen hospital. I'm having a nightmare.. I can't believe what happened a few hours ago. I had my daughter back.. Yes, but at what cost? Colby he's been in an E.R. for hours and he's struggling to hold on to life and all to save our daughter. I can't take this picture off my mind.. The shooting, Colby coming in front of me and the bullet hits him. I haven't stopped a moment to weep..

My clothes were bloody but I didn't care, there is no chance to get away from him. He fights for his life because of me.. Everybody's here.. And I go up and down the floors. From E.R to pediatrics and upside down.. pediatricians take care of Audrey to make sure she is okay.. Pamela had succeeded and escaped death. The doctors kept her in a room to examine her from the blows. Roman had called an ambulance for both Colby and Pamela, and the police to arrest Tony.. The charges against him were enough to rot a life in prison. But that wouldn't have any meaning if I lose Colby

"Rebecca" Ashley told me and I looked at her

"What do you want?"I asked while I wiped my eyes

"Sit down please there's no point in going up and down in the corridor " she said softly

"I don't want to" I told her and I shook my eyes trying not to I cry more

"Becky.. maybe you'd better go home?"Dean told me I looked at him furious

"You're kidding me, right?"I asked him nervous

"No, I mean it.. get some rest, relax, " Dean told me

"I'm not going anywhere.. I'll stay here, " I told him right away

"But Rebecca" tried to tell me but I stopped him

"Don't say a word more Dean. Colby's in there because of us" I said while I looked at them

"Because of us ?"Paige asked

"Yeah, it's all our fault he's in there fighting to live," I said kind of sharp

"And why its our fault?"said Paige I looked at her nervously

"Because he is the last one to blame.. if there is something he was right about in all the things he said it was that he took the blame all on himself for something that it was our fault," I told them..

"If he hadn't come back in first place, nothing would have happened.. it's his fault Tony crossed the line" Paige tried to say and I stopped her with a slap in the face

"You will not blame a man who fights for life "I yelled almost mad.. Ashley hugged me Paige was shocked by the slap

"I'm sorry, Paige, but she's right.. Colby was the last one we have to blame for all this" she told her while she held me in her arms

"How do you say that?'Dean asked angry

"Easily.. you guys made her go out with Tony because she's been alone for years , it's my fault for taking your side and not listening to Manuel who said many times that there was something wrong with this guy. Colby came back  to talk to his family about his wedding.. It's your fault, Dean, that you didn't let me tell the truth about Audrey when Becky was pregnant because,you always preferred Tony over Colby forgetting that no one would love her more than Colby did.. And look where he came for his love, " said Ashley.. Dean remained silent

"Ashley's right.. he didn't think about it at all when he walked in front of your sister and he got shot in the chest. He told me that he was determined to leave if Audrey came back.."Roman added

"And he's been through a lot.. Dean your sister was not the only one who hurt when they broke up. He hurt too.. a lot. He was the one who was blackmailed into leaving her, and we can't blame a man who fights for his life, " Manuel said, and Dean put the head down..

In the corridor outside the ER from that moment we all remain in.No doctor had told us anything. At one point, there was a lot of movement. nurses and doctors rushed into surgery in a panic.. I looked at Ashley in horror..

"Ashley.. something's wrong" I said with my breath cut off

"Calm down, Becky, please" she tried to reassure me without success.

"Something.. something is happening, why nobody tells us anything?" I asked and I start crying again.. Nobody was talking..

The time was 1 am in the morning..and Colby was still inside surgery.. And we didn't get any update from anyone for his condition. I was sitting in chair outside the emergency room. I had no more tears. Not another strength.. The door of the E.R opened and a doctor came out.. His face was serious.. I could not understand if he would tell us something good or something bad.. I rushed towards him and from behind me and the others

"Doctor? what happened?"I asked worried.. Ashley held my hand

"Things are not going well at all," the doctor said, and I looked at him desperate

"What.. what's that supposed to mean, Doc?"I heard Dean ask shocked

"The bullets hit him in dangerous places," doctor said and I looked at him

"What.. what bullets? one.. the shot was only one," I said with trembling voice

"Mr. Lopez received two bullets, one near his heart and one at stomach.. the bullet in the stomach has damaged vital organs.. The bleeding it's unstoppable, the bullet hit his liver, " the doctor said.. I felt my feet not holding me any more

"What's that supposed to mean, Doc?"Dean asked as calmly as he could

"We do everything humanly possible but.. the hopes to live are minimal," the doctor said.. I couldn't believe what I heard

"The bullet on the chest?"Manuel asked while caressing my back to give me courage

"It's a miracle it didn't hit him right in the heart.. we stopped that bleeding.. but he's lost a lot of blood and continues to loses," he told us

"So you're saying that." Paige said and the doctor cut it off

"That he probably won't make it, we'll do what we can but there's no hope.. I'm so sorry " the doctor said and went back to surgery..

I fell on my knees screaming. I burst into tears. Ashley knelt with me and hugged me.. I hid my head in her chest

"Ashley, that's it.. I lost him.. forever.. "I told her in the sobs

"Nothing's over.. you'll see, Colby's gonna fight and get out of there alive " tried to comfort me by caressing my hair

"He won't . he won't make it alive.. it's all my fault.. I " continued sobbing..

The despair was scattered all over the corridor outside the ER.No one could believe what they just had hear.. Colby had taken two bullets and one of them could took his life away. He struggled with all his strength to hold on to life but it wasn't easy..the doctors did everything they could but they only one miracle could save him.. Dean left room, he got out.. He lit a cigarette and he was thinking.. he had more regrets than the others. When nobody looked at him left a tear.. and then he started crying..

Here it is..sorry I'm late to update to day but I wanted to be a good chapter.. Soo don't forget to vote and comment if you like it..Next chapter tomorrow.. Untill then.. kisses..XOXO!

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