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Rebecca's Pov

I looked up and looked at him.. I couldn't believe my eyes. Colby was awake.. he was alive.. He was alright.. I looked at him and started crying this time more than joy.. He smiled gently.. I wiped my eyes..

"Becky" he tried to say but I didn't let him

"Don't talk.. I'm going to call the doctor and I'll see you in a bit," I said, and I got up too fast..I rushed out of his room and ran to find the doctor.

"Doctor," I said, out of breath

"What's the matter, Mrs. Lopez? are you all right?"he asked me worried

"Doctor.. He.. he opened his eyes" I told him and he looked at me with disbelief

"Did you mean it or you imagined it?"he hesitated to ask me

"Of course I mean it, Doctor.. I'm not crazy.. come with me to see it with your own eyes if you don't believe me" I told him and I started going to his room.. the doctor followed me and we went into the room..

That's where Colby was with his eyes open, taking off his mask and breathing normally.. the doctor looked at him surprised he couldn't believe his eyes..

"Mrs. Lopez, could you step outside for a moment ?"he asked me nicely and I nodded.. I went out and waited in the hallway.. I was finally relieved..

My Colby had recovered. he was fine.. He was finally good.. He was alive.. And now I could calm down.. And carry out everything I wanted with him.. I would tell him what happened 4 years ago and I would go on living with him. Now yeah,.. now I know what I want from him.. I want us to be like before. I want us to be a family.I want to be his wife. Marry him.. That's what I want.. Some tears ran down my cheeks, but this time they were tears of joy, of comfort.. All this tension of theses days.. I sat in a chair and waited with great agony for what was going on in Colby's room..

Colby's Pov

I opened my eyes and tightened her fingers that were tangled with mine. I heard her crying.. I could remember a few things, maybe the last few minutes of the fight with Tony and the two shots. I slowly asked her not to cry.. The oxygen mask they were wearing on me bothered me unbelievably.. She looked at me shocked, almost disbelief.. She ran off to get the doctor. I smiled.. I could barely get that annoying mask off and breathe properly. I looked at my hands. I had drips on my hand..

The doctor went in with Becky.. They both looked at me.. The doctor couldn't believe it.he asked her to come out and she obeyed.. It's just him and me..

"How do you feel, Mr. Lopez?"the doctor asked me as he wrote down on his notebook

"What can I say to you doctor excellent" I answered a little ironically

"Is there any pain?"he asked me serious

"Yeah, a little low in my stomach," I said

"Well, that's understandable the stitches hurt you..we nearly miss you" he said and left down his notebook

"I wouldn't die so easily.. I wouldn't leave her to anyone else, " I said somewhat sarcastic

"Your wife was here day and night. she left for little when we carried you to the room she was very worried about you and she cried non stop " the doctor said I smiled

"She loves me very much" I answered with certainty

"Yes.. she loves you very much.. so we'll move you to another room now and tomorrow we'll run some tests," he said and I nodded

"All right, doctor," I said, and I smiled a little..

In fact, two nurses moved me to another room.. It was big enough for a single patient and luxurious enough. Rebecca was already there, sitting in an armchair. The nurses put the stretcher where I was in the right position and helped me to sit on my bed. I was in a lot of pain. More in the stomach than in the heart.. The nurses left closing the door behind them.. She stood up and sat next to me.. she buried her face on my chest..I barely embraced her.. she tightened her body to mine and spoke softly.

"I was too scared, Colby." she whispered

"Easy, baby. I'm here now." I reassured her.I started stroking her hair

"I don't know what I'd do without you" she mumbled

"You'd go on living, you did it for 4 years" I told her softly

"Who told you I lived for 4 years ?"she looked at me.. those beautiful big eyes that glowed with tears

"Weren't you alive?"I asked her slowly.. I was stroking her hair

"Half of me was dead.. the other half thanks to our daughter alive " answered me sincerely

"How's Audrey?"I asked her tenderly

"Audrey's fine in the pediatric department.. she said she loved you very much, " she said,.

"I love her too.. is she all right?"I asked worried

"At first she was a little scared but now she's fine don't worry" she looked at me at last she seemed calm

"OK.. how are you?"I asked her

"Now that you're well, relieved.. I thought I'd lose you forever" she tightened her body against mine

"Ahh" I left an epiphany of pain she looked at me worried

"Baby, what happened to you ? did I hurt you?" she asked me in a panic

"Calm down, darling. I'm just in a little pain.it's not your fault.." she went to get up but I held her in my arms

"You sure you don't want me to sit on the chair?"she asked and I nodded

"Yes.. I don't want you to go anywhere," I told her

"I won't.. I'll stay here" she answered with a smile

"Becky" I tried to say but she stopped me

"Colby, I want to tell you something," she said and I looked at her seriously

"What's going on? tell me" I asked her strange

"When you get out of here and you get perfectly well, I want us to stay together.. but normal. as a couple " she told me.. she surprised me pleasantly

"As a couple, huh ? "I told her serious

"Yes.. why don't you?" she asked hesitantly

"I don't know I had something else in mind" I told her and she looked at me

"Go back to New York and marry Lana?"she asked me sulking

"Mm, no.. to live together as spouses" I smiled playfully.. I look at her.. she hit me gently on the shoulder

"Idiot.. I got scared, " she said mincingly.

"I know.. that's why I did it" I smiled at her..

"Rebecca Lopez" I heard her whispering and I smiled

"Yes it sounds very nice" I told her and she smiled

"Yes.. I want to be your wife.. i really want it soo much.. and not because I have to, not because of Audrey. it's because I don't want to lose you.. because I love you as my life or even more than my life, because away from you I'm half, because without you I don't have a life, because you are the man that I loved and always will love you, as the years will go by.. "she looked me in the eye..

I put my hand on the back of her neck, I lean over and closed the distance between us with a tender kiss.. she retaliated immediately.. her hand was resting on my chest with caution.. but our kiss was intense, passionate, erotic.. and none of us had any willpower of backing out..after a few minutes she went back to take a breath holding our heads together

"I love you" she whispered in my lips

"I love you" I whispered to her lips before my lips touch hers again in one more kiss!

And yeah he is alive! And she made her decision finally.. but there are things that the hide from eachother.. So.. if you liked that.. Vote and Comment.. the next chapter comes tomorrow.. Untill then.. Kisses.. XOXO!

P.s Thank you for all the love and support.. i really appreciate that with all my heart

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